A lot has been going on lately. So I'll start with the most dramatic of it all I guess...
My roommates are lesbians. Shauna and Jessi have been together for almost three years, but have never "come out" to their parents or family memebers, and only a select few on campus know of their relationship. This weekend, however, one of Shauna's ex guy friends (who has some mental defect, obviously) broke into Shauna'a email and forwarded personal emails between her and Jessi to Shauna'a father and family. Of course, Shauna had to call her family and tell them what was comming to them, and shit "hit the fan". Both girls have been practically disowned by their parents. They are facing the possibility of dropping out of school and being completely on their own, due to the lack of support from their families.
Now, this pisses me off for multiple reasons. One being that I love my roommates and do not want them to leave. Second, I don't understand how any parent can "disown" their child. It is the stupidest and most immature thing that I have ever heard of. Both families claim to be "religious", and that's what pisses me off even more. If being "religious" means judging others and ostracising them because of the choices that they have made for themselves (as adults, mind you) then I'm not a religious person.
Jesus taught his people to love your neighbor as yourself...to bless those who curse you...and to hate the sin but to love the sinner. God sent his son for all of us, not just a select few who sit through a hour and a half service every Sunday. I believe that, without a doubt, God loves Jessi and Shauna just as they are. You don't pick and choose when to fall in love and who to fall in love with.
It all just pisses me off, really bad.
Anyway, on to other news. So Heather's boyfriend Josh is in this band that's pretty popular around here called Better Known Enemy. And there is a guy in the band named Jeremy who just happens to be single. Heather gave him my number and he called. It looks like Emily has a double date on Wednesday. Not that I'm expecting much, because I'm never really that lucky. Oh well - he is cute, and in a band, and really nice. So maybe...
I'll let you all know how it goes, I'm sure. <3
So I'm listening to "Epiphany" by Stanined. I've noticed that after I smoke, I always listen to this song and chill out. It's great. I <3 to be relaxed...