Jun 11, 2006 13:13
So in her canon, River is, among other things, a keeper of secrets and a catalyst. She knows things and she tells people things they need to know in her own creepy and obtuse way. She hasn't been doing this at camp because, well, I'm not going to just walk up to random characters and spill their secrets.
But! I'm offering my services if, say, you want to do that on purpose! River is available to approach any character (whether she knows them or not) to tell them something that they need to know or incite an ephipany of some sort. I know that this isn't something that a lot of people need, but nonetheless, it could be fun. All comments to this post will be screened and I'm going to attempt to do the thing where this post is always the first one that shows up on River's journal, so the offer is always open and it isn't something that you have to share with the world if you don't want. Until it happens, anyway.
All that you have to do is tell me what you'd like River to do and/or say to your character. It can be anything from ephipanies to just fucking with baddies (but it has to be YOUR baddy and I'd prefer it in a way that River's not going to get hurt) to telling people that yeah their friends really do like them or just well-placed handholding. Whatever you want. Doing something like this does not require your character to establish any sort of relationship with River pre- or post-request unless you want to.
PS- If you leave your email address, I'll get back to you that way to hash things out.