(no subject)

Dec 02, 2004 02:01

I have used most of my day preparing an adventcalender for margrethe
I hope she will be pleased, and, if I may be so bold, actually think she will.:)
also had volleyball-practice. going to lier again tomorrow.
looking forward to it.
feel a bit uninspired at the moment. maybe I'm just tired..
nevertheless I'm going to oslo after lier. THAT I am looking forward to!:)
and it's black debbath-concert in kongsberg friday! also looking forward to that.
well now you all know what I've been up to, and what I'm looking forward to.:)
this christmas-stuff is getting totally out of proportion. actually, we use one month out of twelve each year on christmas.
okay, this guy was born and crusified and all that, but come on!
guess I'm not in that christmasy-mood yet.
miss last year. sitting in stippestuggu, playing cards with sweet little ida and nils, and often some more people, listening to christmas music. I miss you guys!
been a lot of solvang-melancholy this week.
there's no doubt. I will always miss that year. what they say is true. best year of my life.
okay, enough sobbing.:p
here is a picture from about a year ago. the first snow in førde.

me and petter
photo by Daniel Strietzel
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