Y'all probably don't remember, but
a little while back I fangirled all over "Hark! A Vagrant". (By the way, she's released the Bronte sisters image I was all excited about on a tee-shirt. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD I AM GOING TO CHARGE THAT TO MY CREDIT CARD.)
More to the point, Ms. Beaton did a quick-comic request post on her LJ the other day. It was six pages in to all the requests, but I put mine in for more Bronte sisters. I totally didn't expect her to fill it, but figured what the hell. I might as well try.
Checked my flist tonight once I finished some lesson planning stuff.
HOMG GUYS. HOMG. SHE DID IT.(Second one down, for the record.)
Ms. Beaton is my HERO. My MUTHA-EFFIN' HERO.
In other news, bombed a lesson in Social Studies today. Will be teaching Macbeth. Still love my school and my sponsor teacher and my students. Am going to burn the photocopier down and dance on its ashes.