Don't turn away, what are you looking at?

Feb 26, 2009 10:22

1. You know, I'm kind of glad that my Spring Break does not coincide with that of my two younger siblings. It's really freaking nice to wake up on my own time, make my way upstairs and have a leisurely cup of coffee, and have the house to myself until three in the afternoon. Of course, this could just be yet another sign that the sooner I get my own place, the better.

2. My laptop has dcided that it's time to give up the ghost. Keys are falling off, certain programs are failing like failing things, and my disc drive will only close after two or three attempts. I suppose Broccoli has had a good run -- he's four years old now, which is more than most laptops least according to anecdotal evidence that I've encountered -- but it's sucktacular that I need to go drop money on a laptop just before the most expensive year of my Education.  Ah, well. I did a little research, and have an idea of what I want. Mum and I are going to go out this afternoon-evening to go see what the dudes at Future Shop can do for me. I may end up coming home with a new laptop tonight; we'll see. I do need it, it's just the freaking MONEY, y'know?
(Oh, frick -- I hope I still have my printer software. And I hope that I can transfer a few programs my iPod ripper, and my anti-viral software, and...and I need to stop stressing, like, yesterday. ARGH.)

3. TOTALLY NOT HERE RIGHT NOW GUYS. I'm really actually working on my debate for Education. REALLY. *scampers off*



4. And, because I'm a whore for memes and am curious to hear what y'all think...this would be ganked from croisee. Sorry I didn't do it for you, beb -- I haven't read enough of your writing to actually comment on this.

What would you say are the trademarks of my writing? What themes or quirks or turns of phrase have you noticed? What is it that makes a story by me--well, a story by me?

i spend too much time online, percy fails at life again, school hurts, fandom is fun, life in general, i can haz free tiem naow?, list-y goodness

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