So, made my full application to the MEd program.
Any and all confusion on my part was cleared up by a fantastic contact/advisor who was so crazy prompt in responding that I think they've got to be a superhero. I'm declaring them thus, anyhow.
The first step of the program is a certificate. The second step is a diploma. The third is the actual degree. My one mistake was that I set my application as one for the MEd program, under the impression I needed to state my overall goal. My contact explained that nope, such was not the case. They also offered to just press a button and adjust my application right then and there so it was for the certificate. God, I love this contact.
Even better, I don't need that statement of intent to get in to the certificate program either.
(Despite how intimidating they made it sound, some further research -- i.e. spending half an hour scouring the Masters section of the university's website -- indicated it would only have to be 300 words anyways, just a quick explanation of why I wanted in to the program. That's a relief of sorts.)
The final step in this application process is to wait until about the end of May to find out if I've been accepted. Considering that's when my birthday is, that lovely letter would be an awesome present.
Then there's the fact that it's been declared a snow day. Again. Which makes it three in a row. Today, it's because the craptacular roads in our area are icy as all get out, so it's a wee bit dangerous for anyone to try and get to the school. The principal and the board have this thing about not wanting injured or dead students and teachers.
Huh. All of this -- a celebration of my application involving some tea that kicks your ass and makes the world absolutely vibrate that was provided by
xenokattz, and a Friday off with a weekend ahead -- seems to coincide with a very specific time. Weird.
Funny how this all worked out at precisely ficlet o'clock.
Multiple requests are welcome, given I have three days to myself and no planning to do as I took care of it before these snow days began. No guarantees of all being filled, but it's a safe bet because damn if I don't feel like writing.
Hand in Hand, Chest to Chest, Face to FaceFor
scribble_myname. X-Men 616. Remy, X-23. Dancing.
vikingprincess. X-Men 919. Jane, Riley. They just irritate eachother; they can't help it.
xenokattz. Elementary. Joan, Sherlock, Mary. Meeting at a crime scene.