1) For some reason, while I adore 'regular' fiction (and I am keenly aware that's an incredibly generalized term and means pretty much jack all, but I've got nothing else to describe fiction at large that's designed for the adult audience), I have yet to fully let go of YA lit.
I'm currently find myself curious about
"The Raven Boys" by Maggie Stiefvater. None of her other stuff has ever appealed to me at all (honestly, absolutely none of it), but I read the sample of this book on Amazon, and I gotta say that I'm tempted. I'm not quite sure why; I don't need to start another series. I really, really don't. And yet, here I am, looking at this book sideways, and considering buying it on my e-reader.
2) For a week that was supposed to be a breeze, I needed this weekend very, very badly.
I blame the fact that Christmas break begins next Friday, and the students are already antsy and verging on or even straight up bratty. How I'm going to keep them focused or accomplish anything this coming week, I have no clue. Best I can do is write up lesson plans and hope for the best.
On the brighter side, I did get a surprisingly generous Christmas bonus. So there's that.
3) I have just realized that I am out of coffee. Seriously. None in the canister. How the hell I missed this is beyond my ability to understand. I ran across the street to the little cafe and got myself one, but I think I may need to run over and grab one more. The size of their cups is, to my dismay, apparently insufficient to meet my needs. My alternate plan of brewing a double strength cup of Earl Grey tea just doesn't feel like it'll cut it.
I normally do my grocery shopping on Sundays. Nope. Not this week. Today. As soon as I fight off this damn Percy-you-need-one-more-cuppa headache.
4) Still have to do some Christmas-type preparation. I just have a couple gifts left to prepare, and then I'm done. This is quite shocking, actually, as I normally cut it much closer than ten days.
4) So, plan of attack:
a. Get a cuppa because stupid brain.
b. Go grocery shopping because ARGH COFFEE.
c. Finish current novel (on book 122 of the year), and make a decision re: "The Raven Boys".
d. Do some Christmas-gifting.