I pondered writing a long, navel-gazing entry about school. I've had students confide incredibly powerful, incredibly personal things to me. I've had students cuss me out. I've had students come hang out in my classroom to muck about with the piano that the principal let me put there (it was in storage; better used than gathering dust). I've had some cell-phone confiscation standoffs that verged on ugly. The list goes on. It's a mixed bag of all sorts of things that I could go on and on about.
What it all boils down to is that it's good. I'm happy. The challenges are so very, very worth it.
On an entirely unrelated note, I am obsessed to the point of ridiculousness with this song:
Click to view
The music video isn't anything spectacular, but it's such a good song. I watched a few live versions of it; the guy's scary good. Intense as hell...which you would never guess just from watching the video I've shared here. I'm planning on digging in to the rest of the dude's oeuvre tonight. Youtube and iTunes samples are beautiful things.
YOU HAVE HOMEWORK NOW, FLIST. Share the song that you're in love with right now. The one stuck in your head, the one you're listening to on repeat, the one that's just making your life. Whatever. Just share.
Insert facetious 'I expect to see your work when I get back here minus five marks for late submission bonus points for the addition of anything JGL or Jeremy Renner alongside your assignment' teacher type comment here.