Working on that Riley/Remy/Peggy fic. Somehow managing to work on "Closing Time" and "Stolen Tarts: Sibling Rivalry" at the same time while also working on a favour for Katt.
Have spent the last week throwing up more than I'd care to admit, fighting off lightning headaches, and ignoring back pain. Have also been working almost every day.
Please don't ask me how all of this can be happening at the same time, because I don't even know.
As per usual when things go to hell on my end, you all get fic. Usual rules apply: fandom (X-Men, X-Men 919, Conflictverse, Bond, Bourne, Pitch Black, so on and so forth...hell, I'll even take a crack at writing movieverse!Avengers stuff), character(s), prompt, and all ficlets will be linked in an ETA.
Come on and bring it dear folks of the flist, and I shall endeavor to make this all as coulson as possible.
Garbage DayFor
scribble_myname. X-Men 919
Table at the Rainbow RoomFor
xenokattz. Avengers Movieverse, X-Men Movieverse
Mopping Up The Dirty PoolFor
vikingprincess. Avengers Movieverse, Conflictverse, Bond Trilogy
Of Missed Parties, Poor Costumes, Awful Flavours and Good WhiskeyFor
mwffj. Avengers Movieverse