Once upon about a week ago, there was a meme. This meme resulted in the creation of a high school AU universe that was a four-way crossover between James Bond, X-Men, X-Men 919, and "Eastern Promises".
There was teenage Peggy "M" Carter. There was teenage Remy LeBeau. There was his twin sister, teenage Riley LeBeau. And Percy was aware that it was
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Catching up with the twins as they left the campus, Peggy nabbed their shoulders.
"We need to talk. Smoke pit, now."
This brusque, all-business manner was an indicator that there was something large and important going on. Both Riley and Remy knew better than to kid around or to question her when she spoke that way.
Walking back towards the campus, they slipped around to a small line of old cypress trees behind the school. It provided the perfect shield behind which students could smoke up between classes without getting caught.
Leaning against a tree, Riley took a pack of cigarettes out of her backpack -- unfiltered Lucky Strikes pilfered from her dad's desk; he knew, of course, and there were always some waiting for her whenever she snuck in to grab them -- and took one for herself before passing it around.
After each of them had one and had lit up with Peggy's lighter, they appeared relaxed. Remy looked at Peggy through the thin cloud of smoke developing.
"A'ight. Talk."
"Mr. Nikolai."
"You dragged us here to talk about Mr. Nikolai?"
"If you would be so kind as to let me elaborate?" she said warningly. Remy raised his hands in surrender, cigarette dangling lazily between his index and middle finger.
"I went to see him after classes to talk about that test we have to take next week," she continued. "He was changing his shirt."
Riley gave an appreciative grin. "Is it as good as we imagined?"
"He has tattoos."
"Mmmm. Even bett--"
She cut Riley off.
"Strange ones. The Virgin Mary, a bird, the grim reaper, daggers, and god knows how many more. There's ridiculous amounts of Cyrillic text everywhere too. It's all over his body."
Eyes widening, then narrowing to slits, Riley spoke soberly. This had to potential to be bad. Very, very bad.
"Was there a crucified Christ on his chest?"
"Yes. Why?"
"The ink work on his hands too," Remy said, paling as he caught on to what his sister was thinking. His fingers tightened around his cigarette, and understandably so; if Riley's guess had any merit, then they were stepping into something deep.
The twins looked at one another, a conversation obviously passing between them that Peggy was not privy to. They did that on occasion, and it irritated her to no end. Even though they did a fantastic job of not making her feel like a third wheel a good ninety percent of the time, there were those occasional 'twin moments' that most certainly made her feel a little on the outside.
"Do either of you plan on explaining yourselves?"
Pulling hard at his cigarette, Remy smiled wanly.
"Not so sure that's a good idea."
"We should get out of here," added Riley.
Dropping and squishing out their half-smoked cigarettes, the twins left, leaving an irritated Peggy behind to finish her own.
This is so unbelievably wonderful as a tease! Anything that can make Remy go pale and cause Riley to shut it and bail should horrify Peggy. Or at least piss her off because they are keeping secrets.
But she will find out. Oh, yes, she will.
(I thought you might like an image of young Judi Dench: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=judi+dench+teen&hl=en&sa=X&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&biw=1034&bih=633&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnso&tbnid=c-cq_DPcaWECpM:&imgrefurl=http://bobbybollo.blogspot.com/2008_05_01_archive.html&docid=ezSyda3HqpjPHM&imgurl=http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1294/1111243492_2b404d61c8.jpg&w=316&h=448&ei=k5ZFT7GWJY_MiQKJpLDvCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=318&vpy=234&dur=4281&hovh=267&hovw=188&tx=91&ty=172&sig=115964406208242087108&page=1&tbnh=129&tbnw=116&start=0&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0 though I imagine you've already found the few that there are out there.)
Prepare for the Guild, more Mr. Nikolai, and late night rendezvous at crappy diners. Potentially even breaking into a British Consulate. I haven't decided yet.
And yes, yesyesyes Judi Dench was/is gorgeous. I figured a young Hayley Atwell would work for Peggy "M" Carter's casting, given what has been assumed of her. Hee.
*takes a bow* This teaser has officially fulfilled its purpose.
And I'm making high pitched dolphiny noises of squee, too. Still. Again. More. :D
Well, those cheekbones and eyes - even though I first really looked at her as crankypants Elizabeth I in Shakespeare in Love - she could never be anything but compelling. Ever.
Yes, it most certainly did serve its purpose!
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