There was a point a while back that I showed off some music by Luca Sulic and Stjepan Hauser. Katt did too, and there was much squealing and fangirling on our part. Lots and lots of it.
These guys are knd of amazing. Seriously. Who else do you know out there who can actually make covers of
'Smooth Criminal', or even
'Smells Like Teen Spirit' work on cellos?
This morning, I was listening to their cover of
'Welcome to the Jungle' when I thought to myself I wonder if they've got a CD out. I surfed over to, just to check.
THEY DO INDEED HAVE A CD. THEY HAVE A MF CD OF COVERS AND I DIED A LITTLE. The noise I made when it came up on my screen was at a pitch that human ears cannot possibly hear. I'm not even kidding. My dogs were looking at me funny.
Needless to say, a copy of that is on its way to me as of five minutes ago. I'm already dancing in my seat like a freaking maniac, and I don't think it's possible for my grin to be any larger than it is right now.