The goal is to ignite you, then move on.

May 16, 2011 10:23

I have discovered something that puts my personal caffeine dependency in perspective. I was shocked, certainly, but I won't say I was both a little impressed and a little comforted by it.

Jewels took me out for coffee last night.

It was just shy nine o'clock at night, and I certainly didn't need to be buzzing at that particular hour of the day. As much as I do like coffee, I also enjoy actually sleeping. As such I ordered myself a small decaf soy latte. It seemed appropriate; I enjoy soy milk, I enjoy lattes, and decaf suited me just fine that late. It would be a pleasant accompaniment to a little TV and devouring a couple chapters of my book before crashing.
(Update on my previously referenced book vampirism? I've read thirteen books already this month. Omnomnom.)
Jewels, on the other hand, ordered a large quad shot caramel macchiato.
Let me repeat that, as I think this truly does need to sink in. She ordered a large quad shot caramel macchiato. The barista even hitched an eyebrow at this and inquired if Jewels needed to stay up all night or something. Jewels just shrugged with that awkward grin of hers -- which is actually quite an endearing expression -- took her drink, and we left to go home.
Aside from proving that she is indeed my sister, it also proved that I am not as deeply in thrall to coffee as I had previously assumed.

In unrelated news, Dave and I went shopping down in the States yesterday God bless the strong Canadian dollar.
He left me to my own devices in a Barnes and Noble for a couple hours. This was either a brilliant or a terrible idea, though more likely both at the same time. Brilliant in the sense that it would keep me occupied while he went and grabbed some groceries. Terrible in the sense that we both knew this would result in me spending way too much money.
In my browsing I encountered quite a few books that I wanted. There were plenty that I'd been waiting to be released in Canada that were already out down in the States, ones that are still in hardcover up North and yet available in soft cover. If this were not enough justification, I ended up looking at the prices.
Just look at these deals, I thought to myself as I regarded both the Canadian and American prices and gleed at the difference. Look how much I'd be saving! How can I NOT take advantage of this?
I waited for the Voice of Reason (which for some reason, sounds like Amber in my head) to pipe up and tell me that while yes, these were deals, I really didn't need to spend the money. It did end up piping  up, though not in the way I'd imagined it would.
I got nothing, it said. Seriously, those are some awesome prices. And how long have you wanted that "Alice I Have Been" anyhow? And it's already in paperback down here to boot!
I cursed a little to myself, though it was admittedly halfhearted. And then, stack of books in hand, I proceeded to the checkout line while my credit card screamed in vain for mercy.

...Je ne regrette rien.

say eh, reading, i don't have a caffeine problem - really, family is funny that way, percy in wonderland, here we are now entertain us, i ship percy/amber

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