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lithiumlaughter May 5 2010, 05:30:38 UTC
Agreed on "Hellfire". Though I do fancy "Friends On The Other Side" from "The Princess and the Frog", but it's not the same at all.

Funny story: I got to campus for a closing goodbye-seminar thing an hour early (THANKS SELF FOR MISREADING E-MAILS), so I was chilling in our classroom all by my onesies, and cranking "Ein bisschen Freude". The co-ordinator of my program came in, and I only noticed as she interrupted my intense listening with:
"That's really great music, Percy."
Aaaaaaaawkward moment.

I love all this a lot. It's funny; I may not speak or understand the language, but it's just so enjoyable nonetheless. Same goes for the French stage musical adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet" (The English one is passable, but the French one is fantastic -- I need to track down a torrent or a hard copy of it somewhere)...how is it that musicals in languages other than English always seem to work so nicely?
...though, to be fair, that could be me as an essentially monolingual individual enjoying something new, different, and 'exotic'. Ah well. It's enjoyable anyhow.

Thanks so much for sharing! Where exactly did you come across this, just out of curiosity>


moonys_autumn May 5 2010, 05:41:30 UTC
"Friends on the Other Side" is number two. XD How is it the best ones always evoke hell? ;)

Isn't it lovely? Phoebus' voice is just.... eee! And the music is the tuneful familiar score.

In my junior year of high school, I sort of rediscovered this movie and fell in love with it. I went through a little fansession over it and started trying to find out about the Disney Berlin stage musical, as I'd always been curious as to why it wasn't brought here. I love Disney and Theater, so I know their professional productions pretty well, so I knew it had happened. I tried to find the CD of the musical, but I think it was like $200 on amazon? I remember the price was obscene. A couple years later (early college) my sister found it for download and after that it was love.

This site will be helpful, it has translations of all the songs and a lot of info on the production. It was actually written in English, cast with American actors, and then brought to Germany where all of the actors had to learn their parts in German! :) I am a wealth of useless information? XD


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