I am currently wearing electric blue nail polish, jeans, brown tank, black sweatshirt, thick black eyeliner, and more earrings than I'm sure the BCTF thinks appropriate
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"It encourages its readers to seek out texts that are both 'engaging and clear'. I want to photocopy those pages, highlight those lines, and mail them anonymously to the publisher with the words "I GIVE MYSELF VERY GOOD ADVICE, BUT I VERY SELDOM FOLLOW IT." scrawled across it."
My lord Perc, this is why you are made of awesomeness. I almost spit out my sandwich laughing.
I suppose I am relatively lucky. Various TV crime dramas have prepared everyone for the concept of quirky alternative lab technicians as character foils. Which means I am jeans and dark eyeliner rich and never have to explain myself for it heh.
Once you get slightly older, I am sure that'll help with the distinction too. If it makes you feel any better, my one friend Danielle teaches highschool math (she's filling in for someone on mat leave for the year), and one parent actually asked to speak to the "REAL" teacher in one of her parent teacher interviews.
You have no idea how tempted I still am by that idea. When I have just finished a medium-sized cafe au lait I should NOT be dozing off as I read your stuff. I should NOT require two cups of tea to get through a chapter. My professor knows my thoughts on this now (we talked before class today), as well as this evil plan. He finds it amusing, and sympathizes keenly with me. The textbooks DO suck. They have some good stuff in them though despite the crappy hypocritical crap of crap, and I am getting better at gleaning what that is, and what I can just skip.
You're right about the crime drama bit. Not even going to click on the TVTropes link, because that will result in me not accomplishing anything for the next hour or so, but yeah. Greg on the original CSI, before they brought him in to the main team, was my favourite character. Who else could get away with wearing a clown mask, air-drumming to Marilyn Manson, and still having DNA results ready? They destroyed Then there's Abby from NCIS, the bubbly goth princess. I don't watch that show much, but Garcia too, from Criminal Minds. (I love Garcia. I love her so much. I also ship her and Morgan SOVERYVERYHARD, but I'm also behind in canon seeing as I'm catching it as they work their way through on A&E, and I'm totally deviating from the point here)
I now wonder if a show set in a school could feature a misfit teacher type. Probably not; they would be made into a joke, like they were trying to be 'cool' or be one of their students. I've personally thought about dying the underside of my hair a deep, deep red, and getting an industrial and my nose pierced...and have decided against all of these for now. Must look professional. My deepest fear is that if I were to do any of those things, I would be looked upon by my students as trying to hard to 'fit in' with them, even though that has nothing to do with it.
I am hoping that with time comes that increased confidence and presence. Maybe one day I'll be able to wear jeans in the classroom, if not my favourite tee-shirt.
The 'real' teacher? Oooooooh. It would take a lot of self control for me not to slap the parent, or to say something I would end up regretting...or would get me fired, sued, slapped, or all of the above.
My lord Perc, this is why you are made of awesomeness. I almost spit out my sandwich laughing.
I suppose I am relatively lucky. Various TV crime dramas have prepared everyone for the concept of quirky alternative lab technicians as character foils. Which means I am jeans and dark eyeliner rich and never have to explain myself for it heh.
(EDIT: to the point it has it's own TV tropes article: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MisfitLabRat)
Once you get slightly older, I am sure that'll help with the distinction too. If it makes you feel any better, my one friend Danielle teaches highschool math (she's filling in for someone on mat leave for the year), and one parent actually asked to speak to the "REAL" teacher in one of her parent teacher interviews.
You're right about the crime drama bit. Not even going to click on the TVTropes link, because that will result in me not accomplishing anything for the next hour or so, but yeah. Greg on the original CSI, before they brought him in to the main team, was my favourite character. Who else could get away with wearing a clown mask, air-drumming to Marilyn Manson, and still having DNA results ready? They destroyed
Then there's Abby from NCIS, the bubbly goth princess. I don't watch that show much, but
Garcia too, from Criminal Minds. (I love Garcia. I love her so much. I also ship her and Morgan SOVERYVERYHARD, but I'm also behind in canon seeing as I'm catching it as they work their way through on A&E, and I'm totally deviating from the point here)
I now wonder if a show set in a school could feature a misfit teacher type. Probably not; they would be made into a joke, like they were trying to be 'cool' or be one of their students.
I've personally thought about dying the underside of my hair a deep, deep red, and getting an industrial and my nose pierced...and have decided against all of these for now. Must look professional. My deepest fear is that if I were to do any of those things, I would be looked upon by my students as trying to hard to 'fit in' with them, even though that has nothing to do with it.
I am hoping that with time comes that increased confidence and presence. Maybe one day I'll be able to wear jeans in the classroom, if not my favourite tee-shirt.
The 'real' teacher? Oooooooh. It would take a lot of self control for me not to slap the parent, or to say something I would end up regretting...or would get me fired, sued, slapped, or all of the above.
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