Stranded in Outerworld 1.4 - A Post-Apocalyptic Legacy

Jun 07, 2011 11:14

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Where did we leave off again?

Oh yeah, with a cleverly paused screenshot of Benjamin growing up into a toddler :P

And a pretty darn cute one too! ♥

Oh hell, another one? Aren't you the fertile myrtle...>.>

Although I suppose I needed a Kate/Nolan sample as well before I settle on an heir.

Although, I kind of have a favourite already xP

That' interesting want, for someone who still thinks girls are gross and have cooties.

Elliot: "Just preparing for when I become heir and get married" 8D *wink wink nudge nudge*

Haha, slow down there, sport; I haven't decided yet. :P

But if you're trying to convince me...'re doing juuuust fine.

Benjamin gets doted on, unlike his older brothers who spent their toddlerhood either stinky or sleep deprived.

Jacob: " that guy who sleeps in MY daddy's bed..."

Next morning was the boys' first day of school and a welcome opportunity to have them away from home for a bit.

Which gave Kate and Nolan the chance for a little quality time, especially as Nolan had an important question in store for her.

Nolan: "Kate..."

"...will you marry me?"

Kate: "YES!"

(the dress doesn't seem to have a pregnant morph; oops?)

The wedding was a modest affair, with just the couple and the kids.

Jacob: "The book! It's not helping! I still hate him." >:(

I dread this guy's teenage years.

Pillowfighting is good for stress relief.

Being the twin who gets along with Nolan, Elliot was the first to benefit from it and get help with his homework; Jacob was on his own because...

Kate was busy snorting her macaroni :P

Nevertheless, he still managed to improve his grades!

Kate: "My child is SMART!"

Yes, he is...and as he constantly rolls wants for learning various things I predict another Knowledge sim in the family.

Ugh roaches...well they do say they can survive anything. Toddlers however, cannot, so I'd be more careful with those chemicals if I were you...>..>

Soon enough, it was Benji's turn to leave toddlerhood behind.

Benjamin: "I learned to walk, talk, use the potty, several skills AND grew up in platinum! Who's awesome? I'm awesome!"

Actually, you're just lucky to be born when you were, so no need to be so smug about it.

And speaking of births, a string of curses coming from Kate's bedroom signaled the arrival of Baby #4.

Another blonde with brown eyes, but a girl this time!

I named her Amata.

Perhaps it's time to give your uterus a rest now, Kate? Y/Y?

This is usually when legacies start becoming a little repetitive and boring for me so I plan to introduce a few mini-challenges to the mix to stop that from happening....until next time, sorry for the somewhat boring update!

challenge, sims, outerworld, legacy

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