Sep 23, 2006 20:54
So yeah the shindig last night was fun. See my facebook for awsome party pictures of crazy kids eating too much cake.
In other news I apperntly drove one of my exs insane or close to it. Lana has to find out more but i see it as an acomplishment seeing that the reast of the boys that i have ever liked have fucked me over.
Today was a weird day at work. I almost started to cry for some reason and i didnt know why. It was like that bit dane cook does on his hbo special. i guess i will be listening to "i will follow u into the dark" later and crying. Sometimes it feels good.
Tomorrow im being all greekXcore with the fam. Pastichio.... yummmmmm.
Mon = My birthday & my frist time at Serendipity with Jill