she's one step closer

Aug 04, 2005 21:32

i got my ears gauged today. i'm an 8. i'm gonna stop at 00. i realized something right after i did it. i have turned into a p-rocker. i am a walking cliche. i wear the clothes and listen to the music and now i have the piercings to match(oh, and i'm getting my nose pierced on my birthday). the only thing i'm missing is that "i'm so fucking punk rock" attitude. which i guess kinda doesn't make me p-rock. frankly, i don't really give a fuck. i like the way i look, and i don't see anyone else complaining. i'm hot, and if you don't like me thinking or saying it, you can fucking suck it. felt good to say that. i like this whole self righteous bitchy attitude thing i've got going on. i think i'm just gonna keep on doing what i'm doing, even if it does mean that i'll have no friends by the end of august.
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