strange summer days and bizarre summer nights

Jul 19, 2005 20:46

i've been hanging out with this chick stef a lot lately. she's really cool. she's jason's twin sister so whenever i look at her i see her brother and i'm like damn ur fucking fine, but i don't really want to say that to her until i now if she would be down for that or whatever. wow, ok, i'm startin got get a little graphic, i'm gonna shut up now. well anyway, been hanging with her a lot, weird. saw eve yesterday, that was interesting. she was with the "scenesters", it was cute, kinda. anyway, just yelled hi and kept drving along.

i had a talk with my mom and she told me that she condones my pot smoking. so i can smoke all i want now and she won't care. she gave me $20 for pot yesterday(but i feel bad about using her money to buy drugs so i'm gonna pay her back). but yeah, she doesn't care. she even gave me my glass pipe back, i'm so happy. my sister thinks i'ma burnout though, it's funny. i don't really give a fuck. like, at least i have a job. i'm 15 and i'm making more money than you bitch, SO SHUT IT!!! it felt good to get that out. niceness.

the other night, me, stef, jane, and gina were at gina's house and stef "lost her lighter" and she told me to coem outside and "help her find it in the car". when i got out there, she was like, "i'm getting good vibes from you let's smoke a bowl, just us not them." so we're smoking and they came outside. we played it off liek we were lookking but they hella knew what we were doing, so we left and we realized after we bought a swisher that we had no money. we looked like such hookers walking down lakeshore ave. at midnight in barely any clothes panhandling. :::NOTE GIRLS::: just don't do it, not smart, not smart at all.

this summer had been weird. i don't really know what's going on anymore.

P.S. Evan's gay.
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