Writings and Such

Oct 20, 2005 21:53

I've found a few old poems books lying around my room and I've beem meaning to post somethings. Please,PLEASE comment and be honest. Suggesstions are always helpful!

Sorry if I have posted some of these before...
***=Not Finshed

Loud and Clear:

Screaming and pleading,
Begging and Bleeding,
And it's all for you.
Now I'm left cold and blue.
Tears will not sting,
My eyes, wiped clean.
My lifeless body sprawled out.
Now you can scream aloud.

I hope you just don't feel the pain.
I hope you don't get the same.
I hope no one turns a deaf ear.
I hope you are heard, Loud and Clear.

I tried to get through to you.
What was there I didn't do?
Why did you turn your back ?
Do you wish you could turn back?
Why were you so cold?
I scream until my emotions explode!
Did you not hear?
I thought I was being loud and clear.



You sheild my eyes
I feel the danger growing
I think you are protecting me
Growls and snarls ring in my ears
And I quiver in fear

Why do I let you (Why do I)
Cover me
From my own ultimate fate
Falling into you (Into you)

You lead me away
Still the sounds grow
Chills grow up my spine
And claws dig at my heels
And still I think I'm safe


Finally you un-cover my eyes
And I am frighten by what I see
You were the claws
The chills, and growls
I let you lead me blind
Into your own trap


I spin around
And I see you there
((whispered)) As a smile spreads across your face


Gazing above the sea of stars
Listening to the hypnotic beating of our hearts
Capture this moment in the black and white
Promise me this...
The past is just that
Nothing more


Save me, Mommy.
Save me from myself.
And the shadows in my head.
Telling me to do things.
That I don't understand.
Are those whispered voices real?
Or are they just pretend?
Am I really crazy?
Like all the people say?
Save me, Mommy, Save me.

Razor blade dances
Join with a partner
Pick your vein
The one with the richest rewards
Slowly caress it's side
Press in a little deeper
They won't mind
Virgin skin kissed
By sharp, cold metal
Leaving an everlasting impression
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