Sep 14, 2005 22:05
Feeling like shit... yet again... you know what.. fuck it... just stop reading now. So you can have a least a somewhat hopeful outlook on life.
Haven't gone to school. And I'm not relaxing. I'm having a nervous breakdown. My entire household is sick. I have the job of taking care of everybody, while maintaining my grades, health, social life, and sanity. ::scoffs:: I lost that last one a long time ago. At the same time, I'm ruining almost all of my relationships with people. Go me.
Plus, now, I think I'm getting sick. I got blood results back, and I'm so anemic that if I get anything worse than a paper cut, my body may start shutting down. Woo-hoo! All the more reason to cut! No... can't do that... someone else would cut too. And I can't have that happen. ::sigh:: I don't know what I'm going to do.