Aug 28, 2005 14:11
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Upper classman. I'm a junior. Go me? I'm not ready. I'm dreading tommorrow. I've been having panic attacks. Of course I'm sure not taking my meds don't help. ::Sigh:: and my mom has been getting on me about that as well. It's not like I don't want to take them. I just don't get how I have to take them when I'm ok 90% of the time. I mean everybody has bad days. Everybody breaksdown some of the time. Right? Meh, it's just really gonna bite tomm. and no classes with anybody. Well besides home-room. A whole 5 minutes of my life with somebody I know. -.-' And as I'm sure you've guessed, things haven't gotten any better since my last entry. My dad and I have still been getting into it. As well as my mom and I. My dad re-started my whole ED. Bastard. It's not like I could eat anyway. I'm too nervous