Jul 07, 2008 12:26
Two short-spanned dreams that have fleeted from my memory.
(Night Before)
A VHS. I don't know if I was one or if I was just connected-as by feelings-to one, but I recall feeling dismayed that I was 'ruined' by getting caught in the VCR and had to be replaced with a newer VHS. I suppose CDs may replace videocassettes, but they'll live on in my dreams? O.o Hmm, tape for thought.
Make-up powder brush. I was holding one and accidentally used it as an eyeshadow brush, but not the brush end, but the handle. That's like using the car keys to put in the gas. It's in the same category to start the car, but not what keys are meant to do-filling up the tank. Maybe that was an ambitious analogy. But the make-up to cover people in color and hide the blemishes, but using the wrong tool with an incompatible product just won't do. Especially when it's the handle and not even the puffy, soft brush end. So that's all I can remember. The eyeshadow was sparkley green, like on fairies. The brush was dirty white, like Gandalf the White, lol. That was lame of me, but I thought of the horse he was riding and it seemed like that brush was made from horsetail hair. Which is soft, haha. But that was it. That's the only snippet I can recall about the entire thing. Perhaps we were in CVS, don't know why, the shelves looked like CVS shelves. How do I even know this? Well, take a look and compare, not that hard-place is also littered with things in their random fashion.
I swear, I think I just want one of those huge brushes to brush all over me and feel the soft plushiness than to put on foundation powder.
To bring the title into this, I received an IM from a friend that said the following:
lol, u watch manswers and u quote it. that makes u my faverite girl
It bothered me that he spelled favorite incorrectly, but it was 7 am and he does have the night shift. Also, it's a fun IM to wake up to and see! :D So I'll let it slide.
Another was simply "that's where the ACTION is!!! that makes you AWESOME!!!" from a friend who asked what MANswers was and I replied with "It's on Spike." (I don't know why that was followed by, "You watch Spike?" But I do, as I had seen MANswers implies->first time though, it was quite the experience.) Hmm, that all went in a strange backtrack fashion. Hope it's not too confusing, as I'm not going to change it. :J <--It's my smug face. I'm making it popular.
These strange comments make me happy, as I am much loved in strange ways by strange people on IM. Oh college life, I like taking you home with me.
I just noticed, now entries can be classified as "Default, No Adult Content, Adult Concepts, and Adult Content" but really, it means NC-17+ rather than my first thought of-people who use their brains->intelligence. But then I remembered, uh no, not that kind of concept or content. I love how this is always denoted as a bad thing rather than an intellectual topic providing concerns and progression of information. Yes, I threw in big words to make my point.
Oh, and I thought I might mention it here. I had a pet deer. A real one, named it Wobbly. :D Wobbly was amazing and I have pictures and videos. Only Dad can manage to save, love, and train a deer. But Wobbles is back with its mother and other deer-family. Will be missed, it had to be done. ;_;
And Loren is officially born. July 6, 2008 at 9:15. I just copy and pasted, not that hardcore of learning birthdates of friend's nieces.
Overall, a good summer so far. Not that I've mentioned any of the cool happenings that have happened, but they've been good. :}