Title: Firewood Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Rating: G Summary: He wasn't like Lloyd, and Lloyd wasn't like him. Kratos's son was stupid if he thought that was anything but a joke.
/icon = irony! :DserpentofheartJune 24 2011, 02:42:03 UTC
dsfgfrfref rferfffr fhe frh fref u ef ru
Oh my gawd I love this. I loooooooove this, it is beautiful. Mithos and Lloyd's interaction here is so beautiful and perfect and IC and EEE so much love. The beginning part with Raine and Genis was great, too! The last bit especially made me happy, it was wonderfully written and you know how much I love Mithos and his denial issues~
I also love how you had Mithos trying to get Lloyd to show his true colors/reveal him as a hypocrite. I saw a parallel with that to Yuan and Mithos during the Kharlan War, and I think it's fitting beyond belief.
Nope, not even a drabble or a meme. I actually made an entry about this a while back, about how I don't feel like I've "properly" joined a fandom until I've written fan fic for it. Hadn't found anything I wanted to write for ToS, though.
I'm glad you did, and I'm glad you finally wrote a fic for ToS! You are a veeery talented miss! :D
I've actually written a few short things (two of which are on-going), but a lot of it is RP-based. The RP-based stuff is the stuff I'm most proud of... especially the thing I wrote about decoyofahero and the fluff/humor one-shot I wrote involving twin_swords, the Colette he's married to, and two of my OCs (evilchikenlaugh and sodaforever--you've been introduced to the former, kinda.) The latter fic I actually wrote for twin_swords' mun, and she loved it. Aaand I'm working on a short thing right now, too. It's not actually RP-based, but it IS ToS and it IS shaping to be one of the ToS pieces I'm more proud of.
dsfgfrfref rferfffr fhe frh fref u ef ru
Oh my gawd I love this. I loooooooove this, it is beautiful. Mithos and Lloyd's interaction here is so beautiful and perfect and IC and EEE so much love. The beginning part with Raine and Genis was great, too! The last bit especially made me happy, it was wonderfully written and you know how much I love Mithos and his denial issues~
I also love how you had Mithos trying to get Lloyd to show his true colors/reveal him as a hypocrite. I saw a parallel with that to Yuan and Mithos during the Kharlan War, and I think it's fitting beyond belief.
Happy birthday again!
Thank yooou! T_T :3
Until now.
I really liked your prompt. :3
I've actually written a few short things (two of which are on-going), but a lot of it is RP-based. The RP-based stuff is the stuff I'm most proud of... especially the thing I wrote about decoyofahero and the fluff/humor one-shot I wrote involving twin_swords, the Colette he's married to, and two of my OCs (evilchikenlaugh and sodaforever--you've been introduced to the former, kinda.) The latter fic I actually wrote for twin_swords' mun, and she loved it. Aaand I'm working on a short thing right now, too. It's not actually RP-based, but it IS ToS and it IS shaping to be one of the ToS pieces I'm more proud of.
...r-right. TAGS. /runs!
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