It is a shiny, shiny Canon PowerShot SD790 IS Digital Elph. At least, I think that is its name. Bleh, that is an awkward mouthful. Obviously, this means I need to give it a new name! Hmm, decisions decisions.
But the fact that I have a digital camera now means that I will be taking pictures. Oh yes, there will be pictures! In fact, expect an epic picture post soon (like, in the next week-ish) detailing my quest for Haro!
As a teaser...
The first picture in the upcoming epic, Quest for Haro! This is Haro before he was orange born. Aww, isn't he cute?
Oh, yeah, and those are my birds. :3 The green one on top of the chair is my conure, Tango, and the other bird is my sister's cockatiel, Camille. You can't see them in this picture, but there are also four parakeets in the cage that is closest to the camera.
Tango and Camille did not like posing for this picture. Besides the fact that they don't like each other very much (notice how Camille is trying to get as far away from Tango as possible), they absolutely freaked every time I tried to get them anywhere near that ball. Half the time, they wouldn't even sit on the chair.
Stay tuned for more pictures and updates. Beware my very messy room!