A career in math?

Dec 11, 2006 16:51

My algebra teacher wants me to consider a career in math. He thinks I'm really good at it and he "hates to see talent go to waste." I... hadn't really thought about it before. I mean, when I was first trying to decide what degree to go for in college, I listed three options: English, math, and art. I realized that I hate English when I'm forced to write papers about things I'm not interested in, and I wasn't too sure I'd enjoy higher level math, so I went with art.

I like animation. I'm pretty good at it, for someone who hasn't even gotten an Associate's degree in it yet. And yet, I don't know if I have what it takes to be an animator, to draw and draw and draw and hunt down jobs and try to convince people to hire me. Granted, I'll have to job hunt no matter what career I'm in, but animators generally have a harder time of it all, I'm told. Maybe I should think about a career in math.

Today's good news is that I got 108 on the math test I took last Wednesday, which means that in order to get an A in the class, all I have to do is make a 12 or higher on the final. Yeah, no worries there. The second half of that good news is that, so far, I'm making the highest average in the class. This makes me feel inordinately pleased with myself.


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