in which I write a post that gets deleted, then fix an html of it... thank you autosave!!

Mar 08, 2011 23:34

Hi. my name is litheness and I have some problems with over working, over reaching and over thinking.
but today I am happy. here is why...

I was working outside all day. : D I was rocking out to country on the way home. : ) soup for dinner, cake for desert and some hulu. I also looked up a few of my fav country songs from the 90's which turned me onto a band that I now really love a lot of there stuff. Its been a good day.

So today I was ripping up stage, tossing stuff into the dumpster, taking off casters and carrying really heavy half circles of steel. Though I did not get to play with the oxyacetlene torch, there is always tomorrow( i hope I get to play with the fire!!!). I decided today that if I could work outside everyday I would be a happy happy person. I am just not meant to be inside. I now need to figure out how to make this happen. oh and you know you need to replace some of your stage when you find earth worms living happily in it...

So on the way home today I was punching buttons on my radio as I do when NPR gets annoying and depressing and stumbled onto one of my favorite country songs Baby Loves Me by Martina McBride. I blasted it and sang along. Always puts me in a good mood. When I got home I looked it up to do this again, and then started looking up other songs from the 90's that I love and have not heard in a wile, starting with Daddy's Money which I found out was by Ricochet (anyone who knows how useless I am at knowing this kind of thing will not be surprised...) I then started looking into other things they do and like every song I have found!!! this excites me! They are an a'capella country band sometimes! how awesome is that!?!
on one of the songs someone listed bands they thought were awesome as well as Ricochet so I started looking into them I have to say that I was not impressed with all of them but Shenandoah - "Next to you, next to you" is always fun, as well as "I wanna be loved like that" I now know that I know and like a lot of there other songs but can give or take them.
Alabama has some really good music if you can get past there "southern" fans comments on youtube, "Fiddle in the band" is a favorite of mine, "Mountain Music", "Born Country", "40 hour week", "High Cotton", "Dancin' Shaggin' on the boulevard", "God must have spent a little more time on you" (yes N sync got it from them...) anyhow I could go on... but that is a sampling of the ones that I like.
Diamond Rio is also fun, "beautiful mess" "meet in the middle" "unbelievable" to name a few.
Ok I will stop with the music for now, Though I do have to say I do not recommend very many of the music videos... some of them are a little... well 90's-tastic. needless to say music has been important today, its not always, but today, today was a music kind of day.

I need to figure out this balancing life thing. And how to make money enough to not stress about rent each month and still do something that I love. But that is a whole other posting for some other night.
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