in which I make very little since.

May 09, 2010 22:12

I don't know how you feel and hope I never do, but I will be here for you in every way I can. You mean a lot to me. you really do. I hope you know.

Things are starting to make more since to me, you still don't have a place in my life that is stable, but it will get there. you will have a filling drawer soon. with cross reference : ]

I really do wish that I had more time for you guys, life has just gotten away from me a bit. soon, soon I will grab it by the neck and wrestle it to the ground.

I have got to figure this out, restore balance.

You are by far superior to everyone else. EVERYONE. this is proven time and time again. I love you so much.

It really is like herding cats. no joke. cats.

5pm is a good time to leave for work.

Soon I will swim in the river, hide in the woods and let all the crazy just drain out of me.

Things I know to be true:
"the red wings suck, rivers are perfect and you should never cancel plans with a woman"
Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip are an amazingly talented and intelligent people and deserve so much respect.
So do the Flobots.
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