Whoops, Harry )
"... wait, what the hell kind of school did you go to if all the lesbians were in the closet?"
Mary W. Godwin,
Harry Lewis. Harry shows up for a Feminist Dialogue meeting... right as it's getting out. Whoops. Still, he meets Mary and it turns out they get on quite well. Huzzah! (PG)
Welcome to the Garden )
"I do think it's a shame though, when the living edit the dead."
Tom Eliot,
Virginia Stephen. Another chance encounter between Tom and Virginia, with more nice outdoor scenery. Their conversation really ranges all over the place, but they note that they feel familiar to each other. (PG)
Ron Finally Sorts Out the Roomie )
"Oh, I'm good at talking to a drunk. Don't worry about that."
Lucy Maud Montgomery,
Ron Tolkien. Paying a visit to Lucy earns Ron a new roommate- and he doesn't even have to move! BEST RA EVER. (PG)
Smokin’ a Bowl )
"Hhhhhhhhhhat. Hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaat."
Mary W. Godwin,
Jon-Baptiste Mullen. Mary and JB get high. It's... pretty simple. (PG-13)
Fire Alarms )
"God would not decay."
Tom Eliot,
Clive Lewis,
Sappheire Scamandros. Clive might, just might, have set off the fire alarm. In the flood of students leaving the building, Tom and Sappho encounter him; while Sappho is distracted quickly, Clive and Tom get to know each other vaguely. These couple of past-life Christian writers... well, they ain't there yet. (PG)
Substance Dependency and Other Controversies )
"I hope you're ready for jail- they won't take kindly to a weakling like you even if it was a crime of passion."
Tom Eliot,
Ezra Pound. After Tom tries to cut short a comment war online between him and Ezra on Oscar Wilde's journal, the dastardly duo have a bit of a nasty argument. Feelings might sort of be hurt. Except then they reconcile over talk of Oscar's play and Tom gives Ezra his birthday present one day early. (PG-13)
All I Do I Want To Do With You )
"You have a slight problem where you're agreeing with an imaginary God who's a judgmental prick."
Clive Lewis,
Minnie Peake,
Ron Tolkien. Clive gives a golf club to Ron and is rude about his religion and character. Minnie intervenes before anybody dies of stupid, but it's a damn close call. And probably wouldn't’ve happened without the crushing inertia of the karma wheel behind all three. (PG)
Seeking Help From Harry )
"Why you of all people? Was he fucking high or something?"
Harry Lewis,
Ron Tolkien. Ron explains what went on to Harry. The tone eventually lightens and Harry introduces Ron to the mysterious realm of Harry Potter. Yes. (PG)
Coffee and Classics Talk )
"So. You're interested in wearing togas, are you?"
Tom Eliot,
Ezra Pound,
Oscar Wilde. Although Belly Beans is not their usual coffee spot, Tom and Ezra show up there given Ink Noir's crowdedness. Lo and behold, the Oresteia's director is working there. They get talking, and things proceed well. (PG)
Devil’s Night )
"To the decline and fall of sociability as we know it."
Tom Eliot,
Clive Lewis,
Ezra Pound. For the conclusion to Ezra's birthday festivities, he and Tom pop over by invitation to Clive's. There's whiskey 'n' gin. (PG)