Jun 10, 2003 00:30
I dunno if I've even mentioned it in here before but I'm working at TGI Friday's in Greenbelt. It's only a half hour from my house and when we're living in College Park in August (more on that later) it'll be 5 minutes from my house. Tomorrow is my last day of training and then I'll be on the floor by myself starting Sunday (cuz I'm off all this weekend for the Wakefield show Thursday and our potential show Saturday). And Wednesday night will be cool cuz they're treating all the new servers to a free meal so we can try a bunch of food. Training has been going well though and I don't think it'll be much harder than Friendly's, if not easier. It's easier cuz most of the sections only have four tables so its impossible for us to get too many tables at a time. The only thing thats harder is the alcohol cuz they have so many different drinks and we're supposed to know what kind of vodka and rum and all that goes in each drink and then whether you garnish it with a lemon wedge or lime wheel or whatever. It'll all come with experience though. And I should be making more money than last summer too so it'll be very good.
Today my trainer was this guy Ben and he was cool. He plays guitar for a College Park area band whose name I can't spell or pronounce. And he used to work at Friendly's and he was born exactly a day after me and he has a girlfriend named Rachel... it was scary. Oh and he has long hair. But we talked about music a lot so it was cool having a friend. And there's this other guy Todd who has sorta a mohawk and he's hilarious. He does the best Star Wars pod racer impression and the servers all paid him a dollar each to fall down the stairs one night. Wish I'd been around for that. I'm sure there will be plenty more great times like that later though, knowing him. And he knows the 2Gether rap. I thought I was the only one!
About the apartment, Mike and I got our call from Seven Springs the other day offering us an apartment with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 balconies (!), kitchen, living room... the works. I believe its $1204 a month, which divided by two is less than it would cost to live on campus so its pretty sweet. We move in August 11. We're really excited about it. We've both been gathering lots of stuff from our families for cooking and cleaning and stuff like that.
Rachel and I saw the Italian Job last weekend (it was gonna be Finding Nemo but it was sold out) and it was really good. I hadn't really heard that much about it but I was pleasantly surprised how good it was. I bought Oceans Eleven and Eyes Wide Shut from Best Buy yesterday. I was at Rachel's Thursday and Friday and she'll be here all this weekend so that'll be fun. Then next weekend is our big show (cd release party maybe?) at My Brother's Place in Waldorf, so hopefully some of you will be able to make it out to that one. All the week after that I'll be in Florida for a family reunion, which will also be cool. I'm happy cuz my mom changed my cell phone to free roaming that week so I can still call Rachel and anyone else as I much as I want.
So the summer's looking to be pretty good. Friday's is rocking, the band is doing well, Rachel and I are still seeing each other more than ever it seems, which is something I was worried about. So everything's going good. Yay!