On Twilight...

Mar 17, 2010 00:47

 Someone bet me $150 that I couldn't stand the mental anguish of reading all the Twilight books. I foolishly took the bet. I formally apologize in advance if anyone who reads this is a Twilight fan. This is just my opinion. I'm currently 100 pages or so into New Moon and have this to say...

In the name of all things holy, how did these books get published? Did anyone even read it beforehand? Was there some sort of secret extinction of Editors that no one in the world is talking about? Seriously, If the rest of these books talk about "liquid topaz eyes", "my favorite crooked smile" or how Edward Cullen is like a GD marble statue nearly as much as these ones, I'm out $150. I can't take this crap. Someone send Stephanie Meyer back to high school and strap her to a chair in an english class. These books have more grammatical errors than this livejournal... and there are a lot, because its a blog. - Unlike Twilight, which reads like a 15 year old girl's blog, but is in fact a Bestselling Novel. Seriously America, what the Hell is wrong with you?

- Also, if you know what's good for you, you won't get me started on Stephanie Meyer's treatment of women as if she were a man and it was 1950. What an anti- feminist misogynist twit! 
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