Hampshire Halloween

Oct 29, 2005 03:12

So Hampshire officially sucks balls. Here's what happened tonight with the approximate times:

6:15 Do a shot of 151 and a shot of Popov with Teelee (not his real name)
7:45 arrive in Mayo, meet up with the rugby guys, start drinking Monster&vodka
~9:30? 9:45? get on the bus to Hampshire, with the team
10:00 team starts harrassing some guys from Umass. . .
10:05 we arrive at Hampshire.
10:10 Some girl latches on to me--at this point I stop looking at my watch

the next two hours were basically me hooking up with this girl, until we meet up with this belligerent little asshole who starts harrassing me about my collar, shoving me around. I'm drunk, I can't have that shit. We're about to fight until a drag queen (I can't make this shit up) steps between us.

later, we meet this same asshole in the main tent, but now he's more aggressive. He takes a swing at me, so I swing back and land a good one in the stomach. FOUR of his friends jump on me and try to throw me on the ground--I stay up, and we are kicked out of the tent. This dude is STILL trying to fuck with me, so after about five minutes of listening to him call me a fag i drop him with a left hook to the temple. HE GOES DOWN LIKE A LOAD OF BRICKS. I have about a second to glory in this amazing feat when again, four of his friends jump on me and start beating me. There's four of them, so I rack one in the balls-he backs away. As I'm about to get up, one of my friends grabs me and starts to pull me away. THEN ONE OF THOSE FUCKERS SUCKER-PUNCHES ME IN THE FACE. Unlike their pansy-ass friend, I do not go down, but my contact pops out, which pretty much ensures that I won't be swinging back. My friend is freaking out, telling me to get off the campus, which i agree to do. when i get my lens back in, the dude and his friends are gone.

I didn't leave, and i ended up getting a really hot MoHo's number (the other girl ran when i started fighting). Now i have a black eye and a cool story behind it.
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