Hai Suami, Hai Isteri (Hi Husband, Hi Wife)

Mar 12, 2014 01:35

Title: Hai Suami, Hai Isteri
Rating: G
Pairing: Spenilla
Warnings: Malay dialogues. SPENG SPEAKS MALAY IN THIS.
Disclaimer: I do not own Speng nor Vanilla. They belong to themselves.
Summary: Vanilla takes Speng out on a date.

Vanilla never thought her first date would be like this. The cool atmosphere of the cafe contrasted with the humid weather outside as she breezed through the the doors. Wafting through the air was the scent of coffee, tickling her nose with its aroma as she observed her surroundings. It was a quaint little cafe that just had its' first grand opening last week. The place was plain with a homey feeling, the decoration consisting mainly of wooden furniture creating a woodland setting.

Walking casually through the cafe with her head held high, she chose the table furthest away from the crowd, near the windows. She sat with a look of content as the rays of sunlight hit her, illuminating the black shine of her hair.

'Perfect," she thought.

A blue Macbook was set upon the table, a few inches away to create a space for her meal. As soon as it was turned on, she logged in to Skype and saw that he was already online.

"Boleh saya ambil order, akak?" asked a petite waitress, arriving with a notepad in hand.

"Ada recommendation tak?" Vanilla asked after thinking for awhile, her stomach filled with hunger.

The waitress recommended her the cafe's signature Japanese chicken curry and Vanilla went along with that eagerly. Japanese curry is, after all, her favourite.


A cough was heard from the screen of the laptop. A brown-haired male in a dress shirt completed with a black tie was shown on the screen. Said male glanced towards the waitress.

"Saya nak kopi virtual satu. Terima kasih."

The waitress giggled and Vanilla gave her a sheepish smile. "Jangan layan dia, dia memang macam tu."

"Dia boyfriend awak ke?" the waitress asked, glancing between Vanilla and the screen, giving a knowing grin.


"Comel lah awak berdua," and with that, she left to pass the order.

Vanilla turned back towards the screen and smiled. Wherever Speng was, the time gap between them were long and tiresome. They would stay up at ungodly hours in the morning just so they could see each other and catch up. Online dating had never been so tough.

"Hai suami," Vanilla gave a shy smile to the other through the screen.

"Hai isteri," replied Speng with a grin.

Their date couldn't have gone anymore perfect.


"Boleh saya ambil order, akak?" - Can I take your order, miss?
"Ada recommendation tak?" - Do you have any recommendations?
"Ehem" - batuk
"Saya nak kopi virtual satu. Terima kasih." - I'll have one virtual coffee. Thank you.
"Jangan layan dia, dia memang macam tu." - Don't mind him, he's always like that.
"Dia boyfriend awak ke?" - Is he your boyfriend?
"Ya..." - yes baybeh
"Comel lah awak berdua." - You two are cute.
"Hai suami" - Hi husband
"Hai isteri" - Hi wife

spenilla, fanfiction, friends

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