
Nov 07, 2011 06:30

Name: Kalika Helace
Age: 7-9, I guess
Gender: Female
Trolltag: yesterdaysZeppelin
Blood (Hex code): EBBB01
Symbol: Circinus
Power?: Biokinesis (The ability to manipulate biological matter/living tissue on a cellular level. Note that this does not work on plants or tissue that is already dead.)
Lusus: A really long lizard/salamander with about two dozen limbs that climbs her walls and has a big mouth and throat for gulping.
Strife Abtratus: Riflekind (her rifle is organically modified--and it has an eye growing out of it. It is not, however, all that powerful. Serviceable, anyway.)
Fetch Modus: ????
Hobbies: Kalika's primary hobby is mechanical and organic engineering (since troll technology is often organic in nature, she works equal parts in metal and organic matter). She knows that robotics is more prestigious, but she doesn't care. Or, well, she does, but she prefers gears and engines and moving parts and exoskeletonal chitin to fiddling with all those little wires and writing lines of code. Her primary other hobby would probably be video games, but they also make her mad, so she only plays first person shooter types (where she can burn off that rage) and games where she builds things. She really likes building things.

She also plays fighting games on occasion, but she's one of those types that ends up yelling profanities at the screen or throwing the controller, so not very often.
Personality: Kalika is a perfectly chill troll when she's all by herself. In fact, she's even capable of smiling, at least a little. It's when she has to interact with other people that she loses her cool: she mostly starts getting pissed off when she ends up talking to other trolls. Really pissed off. Like losing her temper, using profanity, snapping back viciously and storming out or kicking you out herself kind of mad. It's like talking into a void, she says, and she doesn't have the patience for it. She can come off as kind of terrifying or at the very least terse and abrasve because of this, but for all that she has--thanks to her blood--the ability to effectively turn you into a Silent Hill monster or a meaty growth on the walls, she never actually directs this ability at other trolls. She's not that kind of troll, in her own words.

She'd rather use it for building things.

Honestly, she's not as bad as this makes it sound. Other trolls who share her passion may get a certain amount of tolerant discourse from her, and she can even be civil for a moderate length of time if the conversation is brief--but after that, it goes right downhill and you'd best be out of there before she brains you with a wrench or kicks you out at gunpoint.

As a trivial note, Kalika usually doesn't wear a tank top--sometimes, yeah, but not always. Often she just works and walks around in her boots and overalls--no shirt at all, and underwear is questionable. We put her in the tank top for ease of drawing and preventing awkward questions. She's comfortable in her body and confident/unintimidated by others enough to wear what she wants to. Even if that means not wearing a shirt.

She's also in the process of growing her hair out, so sometimes she sort of ties it back in a shitty attempt to keep it out of the machinery. While she can worry about her appearance given the appropriate situation, she's not usually in a position to care about it, and resents the idea that she should need to worry about that over 'not getting things caught in pieces of dangerous machinery.' She also resents the idea that she's unacceptable in appearance as is, even though she knows she should clean up if she's trying to impress someone. It's just that she generally doesn't feel the need to impress jack-shit. Practicality doesn't trump vanity here, but they coexist pretty heavily.

ETA: Someone called into question the matter of femininity and personality, so I feel I should establish that Kalika is definitely feminine in her own way. She's absolutely a girl, and she's both comfortable with and confident in her sex/gender and body.

Trivia: She tried FLARP once, but didn't like it.

Auspisticing?: N/A
Moirail?: N/A
Matesprit?: She had a matesprit, but they were culled. She was a pissy bitch even before then, though, so don't feel too bad for her.
Kismesis?: N/A

Title: X of Time or Mage of Flesh
Land: Womb and Acid
Moon: Whatever, I guess.
Elements (Chalk, Shale, etc.): IDK!
Title Elaboration:
Land Description: Most of the land consists of massive oceans of acid with precarious stone platforms rising out of them and thin bridges between them on which to walk. You don't want to fall off. It's also filled with giant, translucent... uh, well, wombs. Much like LoBaF, they pepper the landscape in all sizes and can be found at all altitudes: attached to the sides of the stone platforms, growing out of the sky, hovering in the air, etc. Inside are often visible fetusus, in varying stages of growth--while obviously not trolls, the creatures inside are of indistinguishable species and in fact many of them are either mutants or otherwise a bit off. Lots of embryos with multiple limbs, extra heads, headless or limbless bodies... fortunately, the wombs they inhabit are only partially translucent, so you can't see too much detail.

Unless for some reason you cut one open...

character(s), homestuck

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