
Oct 10, 2009 00:48

I finally got my first tattoo three days ago, and I decided to stay small and simple for my first one. I did have some issues, so I have a few questions under the cut if anyone would mind answering.

My new little semicolon! If you can't tell it's on the inside of my right wrist. This was taken on the way home from getting it done.

I really, really love it and don't regret it at all, but it didn't turn out the way I had hoped for my first tattoo. As you can kind of tell in the picture there are spots where the ink isn't as dark as other spots. The guy who did it said that he's never seen it happen, but for some reason some parts of my skin just wouldn't take the ink. Has anyone ever had something like this happen or know anything about it? I have to go back in two weeks to get it touched up and hopefully he can fill in those spots.

Here's a more zoomed pic from earlier today, so it's now about three days old. Anyone ever go through anything like this? I'm so worried that he won't be able to fix it! The shop has great reviews and was very clean, so it's not like he just did a shoddy job. He said it seems like I have some skin problem, but I've never never never had any skin issues.

Thanks for any help in advance! I think maybe I'm just freaking myself out about it haha.

punctuation, semicolon

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