David Foster Wallace tattoo

May 28, 2009 20:18

Hello all - I've had a great time reading your entries and viewing your tattoo submissions.

The brilliant shadow the writer David Foster Wallace cast over my life and writing and the way I view the world is really pretty much impossible to quantify. Aside from family members, I have never felt such sorrow related to the death of a person I did not personally know - though, that is not entirely accurate. Given the depth of emotion and human decency David often shared and expressed in both his fiction and essays, and the extent to which I often live in my own head, on some level, I had (still have) a deeper, more intimate relationship with him than I had or have with friends and/or family - both living and deceased.

So, as someone who has always been interested in literary-minded tattoos, this was a no brainer. The passage is taken from his beautiful mess of novel, Infinite Jest - the ellipses, a device Wallace often employed to express a character’s speechlessness, symbolizes my inability to fully express both my own sorrow and David’s fall into silence.


david foster wallace tattoo

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