(no subject)

Apr 11, 2009 23:04

My only literary tattoo so far.

"I feared lest the void I lived in might drive me to plunge into the freedom of sudden insanity when confronted with a chance temptation in some lane between school and supper. Solitude
was corrupting me. I needed company and care. My heart was a hysterical
unreliable organ." I got it the day after my 19th birthday. It's a little more vivid in person. The ink has only yellowed slightly. Done by Mehai Bakaty from Fineline in NYC (Best. Artist. Ever.)

Other tattoos:

(Done on my 18th birthday) My back piece, which are the f-holes from the bass that I began lessons on from an old jazz musician. I play in a band called The Lillapucians (I know, we sold out and spelled it phonetically. Looking back, there was no point, as people still mispronounce our name.) Done by Bert from Top Shelf in Queens, NY

Inner lip:

Miseria Cantare. Simply stated, I love this song. I got this done with one of my best friends a little while before my 17th birthday. Done By James from what was Infinity below Freaks Lounge, I've been told it's closed.


This crown jewel I got a month before my 16th birthday, on a metal chair in the middle of St. Marks on a Friday night. I'm not proud of the risks I took to get the tattoo (cleanliness, plus, it generally looks like shit) but I got it with my best friend in the world. We go through hard times, but we will always have a grip on each others heart (and really bad prison-like tattoos.) Done by an asshole on a cellphone, smelled like cigarettes and booze.

Here's my next tattoo concept:

L'inconnue De la Seine


After reading The Worshipper of the Image by Richard Le Gallienne, I too found myself in love with her. So much mystery surrounds this young woman are her mysterious smile.

My plan is to get a stylized version of her, as I imagine she was found, floating in the water, totally at peace. I do not want it to be morbid, and at the moment I think I only want it to be her face. My only problem is placement. Anyone have any ideas as to where a floating head and stylized hair would look nice?

le gallienne, nabokov

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