Hey everyone! I just found this community today and I have to say from browsing that some of you have absolutely amazing/beautiful tattoos.
I've been thinking for a while about getting two tattoos. The first one a tree (think late fall/early winter where all the leaves are gone) with a small bird in the upper right branch. But that's not why I'm posting.
The second one. I want the word "pasitos", probably on my foot. It means tiny/baby steps in spanish. It's from a poem/song from La Historia Oficial. I posted the whole poem/song under a cut with translations. I've been through a lot (who hasn't??) and have recently started making some changes and being less afraid. I want to remind myself that all the small steps I take will lead to me getting to where I want to be.
Sorry if the translation is rough, but you'll get the idea...
En els de pai Nomeacuerdo
In the land of Idon'tremember
Doy un paso y me pierdo.
I take a step and I lose myself
Un pasito por allí
A tiny/little step over there
No recuerdo si lo di.
I don't remember if I gave it (this is the awkward line, sorry!)
Un pasito por allá
A little step over there
Ay, qué miedo que me da.
Oh! The fear that it gives me.
Un pasito para atrás
A little step behind
Y no doy ninguno más
And I don't take any more (steps)
Porque ya yo me olvide
Because I have already forgotten
Donde puse el otro pie
Where I have put the other foot.
I promise, it sounds better in spanish
Comments? Opinions? Any "oh my god! Don't do that! thoughts? Love to hear them. Thanks in advance.