a bookshelf.

May 05, 2008 22:55


I am new to this community. I have two tattoo's currently- the word hope in my handwriting on my foot (got it when I was 19), and I have one on my left wrist that I typed out on an old typewriter for the font - " Adventure, Jamie, Adventure!" (hehe, the the second A is capitalized... ). Its from (this is kinda weird) a pilot of a show that never aired again on the disney channel called Fluppy dogs.. hehe. somehow this line became a mantra in my family. I studied English in my undergrad and I am going to Grad. school to become a Librarian- woo books!


I have an idea, I want to get a quarter sleeve of a bookshelf wrapping around the top part of my left arm. Has anyone ever heard of/have a tattoo like this? I'm curious. Also- any good brainstorms for what to put on my bookshelf aside from books? I was thinking a skull def. (you know Hamlet-style) maybe a candle with some drippy wax? Color, no color? maybe I should have a bust of an author on the bookshelf.. hmmmm.

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