It's looking more and more like Bart is
DOOMED. I'm trying to have hope but man, DC. Don't think I don't see how you're all crisis crazy again or that I don't recognize that big events look in your eye. Go ahead and have your fun but how about no new dead Tim people huh? Just for a little while. Say a year or two. Come on!
Yeah, I know I'm forgiving and will forget everything else once I get my hands on the new Batman and The Brave and the Bold (delayed?! WTF quit teasing). I'm easy and everybody knows it. That's not the point. I'm worried about you, DC. You're getting a little too reliant on this torturing Tim Drake thing. It's gonna get played out and then where will you be? Give the kid a break. For the hell of it. For the novelty of it.
Killing all your young heroes off is getting played out as well. You haven't even given Bart a chance to be an interesting Flash yet! Keep the kid around!
What's that? You want me to think about how awesome JSA #5-6/JLA #9 were? But I'm worried and displeased about Bart!
. . . .
Oh alright. You got got me.
So fantastic that I ended up hoarding each of them for weeks because I couldn't stand the thought of losing that thrill I got every time I walked by them sitting on my table, knowing that they were waiting for me and filled with goodness.
With all that anticipation built up, you'd think a girl was setting herself up for a letdown but, nope. JSA #5 started off with OMGWTFAWESOMESAUCE!!! and it kept right on running from there.
I mean, it'd take somebody with a supreme gift for fucking up to make Batman strutting up to the gates of Arkham with Starman, Geo-Force, and Sandman in tow, intent on putting a stop to some crazy ass nightmare shit with Dr. Destiny, and rescuing Dream Girl anything but Kick Ass. I don't need to know who in the world Sandman, Geo-Force, and Dream Girl are to know that's a sure thing recipe for YAYE.
Whatever you think of Johns, a supremely gifted fucker upper he is not. No, siree. He gives us all the Starman-is-crazy-and-isn't-it-doubly-amusing-when-in-Arkham? moments you could want.
Who knew that one of Bruce's many abilities was to make something simple like 'Hnn' sexy? Oh please nobody even try and deny it. We all know that 'Hnn' got everybody HOT and that everybody is a sucker for Bruce. It's not only me. Quit repressing or lying or whatever.
Also you think their stomachs are ripped enough? Cause I'm not quite sure. *laughs* Thanks to
crumbcake, I can't look at them without thinking - come gutters. (Thanks a lot, HO)
Aww Starman. I'm sure we're going to lose him soon but god I wish we could keep him on the JSA for months more. A hero that can give dialogue about how he lives in a mental hospital will never be anything but delightful! He kind of reminds me of the old days with Bart when he was really innocent and getting on people's nerves with his random questions. See how that is a fun dynamic to have on a team, DC? KEEP BART. DO SOMETHING COOL WITH HIM AND DON'T WASTE HIM. *glares*
And I love how Arkham has gargoyles. Because you know, it needs so much help being creepy.
Oh and Starman has a fabulous outfit as well so he needs to stick around for aesthetic reasons if nothing else.
You see how this is the second time Bruce has his hand on Starman's shoulder in order to comfort him? Yeah. A couple of years ago I'm not so sure he wouldn't have been bossing Starman around and yelling and behaving like a great big ass instead. New nicer Bruce who treats the people he works with as something more than annoyances is in most ways a very, very, very good thing. Just sayin'.
Then Johns gives something I wasn't prepared for at all. Something even more awesome than Starman at Arkham.
An orgy of Bruces!!! FUCK YES!!!
Bruce on Bruce action!! Bonus super long eared vampire teeth Bruce! DOUBLE FUCK YES!!
Then there's a whole lot more fun stuff with sweet Starman and Dream Girl hugs, Clark rhapsodizing about how good the Legion were for him, but this is what really caught my eye:
Clark has a life size statue of Dick in his Fortress . . . !!! Maybe this is common knowledge but I've never seen it before and boy does it make me happy. Is Dick the equivalent of one of Batman's trophies in the cave? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I hate to break it to Clark, but winning Dick's heart isn't all that much of an accomplishment.
Now JLA #9. The only thing I didn't care much for in this issue was the Michael Turner cover. His art never does it for me but especially not after Alex Ross's evocative work over on the JSA covers.
Ah well. It doesn't matter because the art on the inside is rad. Especially the pages where Flash, Green Lantern, Wildcat, and Vixen are visiting Gorilla City looking for another member of the Legion.
Okay people who don't read comics, are on the fence about reading comics, or just started reading comics - Gorilla City is reason # 2 million and 74 why comics RULE. It's a secret city hidden from human eyes by a powerful force field. A secret city run by highly intelligent Gorillas with far advanced technology. Let that sink in.
Then let it sink in that this exists in the same universe as billionaires that dress up like bats, underwater kingdoms, greek gods, arctic fortresses, simple little green rings and blue midgets protect the universe, dumb jocks who traveled in time and Martians can serve on the same League, and a girl can have satan for a father.
It's infinitely wonderful and weird. Want an even better example of it than the panel above? Turn a couple of pages and ta da:
If you looked at that page and didn't feel even a hint of glee and excitement, congratulations. You have lost your joy for life and are now old, boring, and dried up inside because DINOSAUR RACE! A picture of that should be next to awesome in the dictionary!
Randomly, Jay's winged helmet hat is totally growing on me. It's got personality. If he tilted it to the side just a bit, he could have a little bit of a charming rogue thing going on. Hey DC, remember how Bart is a part of the Flash legacy and adorable in his interactions with Jay? I do. KEEP BART.
After all that Gorilla City coolness, the book joins Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Powergirl, and Roy on Thanagar again looking for a member of the Legion. Roy and Hawkgirl flirt.
Powergirl congratulates Roy on the size he thinks his testicles are and warns him to not get messed up with the Hawks because -
Ahahaha well ain't that romance novel covery? Hawkman's kind of a stud. Go Powergirl.
I've thought it before but noticed it a lot this issue - the Hawks have amazing masks. They're terrifying and regal.
Blah blah the members of the Legion trick the JSA and the JLA and disappear and we're into JSA #6.
Now JSA #6 has a lot of things going for it. But for me it's biggest selling point by far is that it takes place in a swamp. So we get art with little swamp flowers and fungi, crocodiles, moss, and panels like these:
See swamps and me go way back. I once stole a book from the school library because it was about swamps but you couldn't check it out. I've watched many a stupid movie because it looked like it had a cool swamp in it. I can't count how many of my kid daydreams involved living in a swamp. They hold a particular kind of fascination for me so a bunch of superheroes in a swamp? No way that's not going to rock my boat. HI SWAMP THING!
They have gunk on their boots! It's called Suicide Swamp!! And Liberty Belle should be saying Batman but look
isilweth - she ships Diana/Clark too!
It's so gunky in there Hourman has to wring his cape out! Absurd! Absurd and gross and enchanting! I am enchanted!
Then there was a two page spread of my dreams - Superheroes in a swamp battle giant technological tentacle monster!
That is a crappy scan and doesn't do the art justice but you get a teensy idea of how damn glorious it is. My favorite part of it got cut off by the scanner but there's a poor crocodile who found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
A closer look:
SUCH. GREATNESS. I want it on a poster, a t-shirt, and my desktop to name a few.
I wish this crossover would go on six more issues. JSA will still be awesome once they aren't hanging out with the JLA but I'm scared that the JLA is going to go back to boring stories about Red Tornado.
Yeah, yeah DC. You keep giving me stuff like that and I'll love you forever no matter what other dumb shit you pull and who you kill. Unless you kill Dick. You kill Dick and we're through. No goodbyes or 'it was good while it lasted'. Straight up through.
There's been other great stuff lately. Action Comics #850 for example. SV people should go check out the
scans that
jude_judith82 put up or better yet buy the issue. There's adorable Clark and Martha and lots of Clark is sweet and lonely despite being Earth's most powerful hero.
Last image for the day is of Hal Jordan and one of his apparently finest assets. I just finished reading the
Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight/Emerald Dawn trade and laughed my ass off at
this page.
Nice Hal, real NICE.
ETA: Spoilers for Flash #13 in the comments.