My family came home from their ten day trip to London last week so no more blissful quiet and all access fandom whenever and wherever I want it time. Especially not since my sister Gill was clearly miserable and pining and desperate for me the entire time she was gone and being the kind and benevolent person that I am, impossible for me not to take pity on and spend time with. She's been making me catch up on House, 24, the third season of Teen Titans, re-watch Smallville, drive her around, laugh about our drunken mother and bitch about the dog, sit jealously while she tells me about London and all the amazing things she saw, and it's been horrible and time consuming and naturally I'm behind on my flist. Aha! I don't know why I mention it as it's nothing new. I fail at fandom! I need robots to do my commenting for me! In the meantime, everybody gets week old comments lumped together. You lucky, lucky people you.
My weekend was greatness. I saw
Grindhouse which was a blast and got me all pumped up and excited in a way I haven't been about a movie since The Departed. Zombies and car chases and camp and good, good times. Get yourself to the theater.
Then guess what I found at my used bookstore?!
BATMAN: PRODIGAL!! For five dollars!! I've been dying to have it for forever but no matter how much I love Dick I haven't been able to rationalize to myself spending $60 on one book and now I don't have to! It's mine! In my hands right now and I can't wait to read it!
Know what else? I actually read lots of comics this weekend and am about half way to catching up with the new stuff. This is accomplishment. Because my sister isn't reading any of the new books except for TT and Supergirl and
crumbcake never emails me anymore and doesn't read most of the books I do, I'm going to be indulgent and talk to myself about them! For waaay too long and with pictures!
I'm really not exaggerating about the way too long thing so let me get some other stuff out first before everyone leaves and I talk to myself about comics.
First of all,
stellabelle has written
How to Shag Your Most Hated Enemy and Still Feel Alright About it Morally Speaking part 4 and I haven't even read it yet but I pimp it in full confidence. She writes the very best kind of Harry/Draco and I adore her to bits and there is not a single thing not to love about this series. I thought she'd given up on writing fic. Excitement is the order of the day!
Second of all, my newest darling
isilweth has written fic! It's an SV prequel about the fall of Krypton titled you guessed it -
Fall of Krypton. She asked me to beta for her and to be honest it didn't sound like my kind of thing and I had no expectations going in. I was wrong. So, so wrong. It's beautifully written and got me interested in Jor-El and Zod in a way I've never been before and really I'm reccing it not just because I adore her, but because it is fantastic. SV needs all the creative writers it can get and she is brand spanking new to fandom so I think everyone should head over there and encourage her.
Third, there is a new Allison Mack interview
here in which she is lovable and says nice things about Tom.
GAIL SIMONE IS GOING TO BE WRITING WONDER WOMAN. I slammed my fist so hard on the table I hurt myself when I read she was leaving Birds of Prey but this? MORE THAN MAKES UP FOR IT.
Fifth, everyone's already said things about
thamiris and probably better than I can but
I have stuff to say too.
By sad coincidence, I spent a lot of the time my family was gone reading through her journal. I had linked
isilweth to some of her meta and it got me thinking about how much I missed her presence in SV and once I was reading I couldn't stop.
I mean how could I with things like this -
What's the appeal of Clark Kent? I could just say that I adore his mouth and leave it at that because, yes, that mouth belongs in a brothel-housed reliquary, a trail of wet-thighed pilgrims ready to worship it. His lips are rose petals, bubble gum, and pussy in one: you want to stroke, bite, and penetrate all at once. But my pretty boy's more than that: he's also the contrast of that pornographic mouth with those wide virgin eyes, completely unaware that he's begging for it. (
On Clark Kent)
And these from her
episode review of 'Hug' -
Fortunately, stamping out the gay on Smallville is like flicking water from Prufrockian coffee spoons at a forest fire. Utterly hopeless, baby.
Lex has spent the previous forty-five minutes proving that his love is the stuff of fangirl dreams, a love so big and gay that even George W. was holed up in the Oval Office penning an epic poem in their honor. (It's tentatively titled, The Lexiad: Or How I Realized that Gay was Good)
Her language is ripe with everything she gave to fandom - passion, hilarity, insight, warmth. (Okay so seeing the gay in Smallville and the beauty of Clark's mouth isn't exactly a good example of her insight but she was insightful. There is tons of awesome meta by her to prove it) It's sexy in every sense of the word.
She could take anything and turn it into something grand. Just look at
her reaction to the ABC Family interview with Tom and Michael -
Mike, to further placate him, talks about Welling's sexiness, while Tom casts slow, awed stares in his direction. Seems Tom can't skate, and Michael keeps offering to take him on the ice, has been offering for years, but Tom keeps shying away, that tease. Oh, yes, experienced Mike wants to teach Tom how it's done, slamming the puck, pounding the ice, skating faster and faster until they shoot hard and score. No wonder Tom's a little nervous, pretty home-staying quiet boy, faced with Mike's ready way with a stick, scared of hurting his ass, of sweat and long hot showers afterward.
Tell me that doesn't make a wet thighed and laughing pilgrim out of you!
I think this is the best not over the top fangirly description of the brilliance of Rosenbaum's performance as Lex I've ever read -
Michael Rosenbaum is asked to carry some pretty contradictory shit as an actor, but who manages through his wonderfully-expressive face and voice to inject irony, duplicity, contradiction into each word and gesture, absorbing the contradictions in his characterization so that they're part of Lex.
and it's just a toss away sentence in a random entry.
Tied at the Wrist was one of the first SV fics that truly thrilled me.
Descent still thrills me every time I read it.
Space was infinite, but Heaven wasn't, or Earth would be in it. Hell, too. Since Clark wasn't from Earth or Hell (he'd checked himself for triple-digit tattoos just to be safe), he worried that being born in some dark unsheltered corner of the universe meant slipping under God's radar. Convenient when he lied to his parents or spied on Lana, not so good for things like forever. Only another alien could understand, and in Smallville, you were either human or a mutant, and the mutants were fat-sucking vampires and old-man serial killers. There was only one other exception.
Lex had skin like vanilla ice cream and moved like he was melting. He lived alone in a castle, the kind that should sit on a cloud, and when he talked to you, everyone melted but him. People listened to him, but didn't always like him, a combination of that ice cream skin, too much money and the old rumors that still trickled in from Metropolis. Also, Lex knew too much and reflected this back in his smile. He kept his sense of humor a secret; you watched his eyes to find the joke. Clark watched Lex's eyes a lot.
Words like that *and* Clark and Lex watching Aliens together.
SV is so lucky to have
had her. More than that - We are all lucky to have had her no matter what she was fangirly or talking about. She was a fucking gift.
Her obit is
here in case you missed it.
thamiris was the queen of fangirl bliss and so I eat toast smothered in strawberry jam and bliss about comics with her in the back of my head. Comics! My sweet, precious comics.
To start, I caught up with 52 and which has been boring me for a while now but not so weeks 46 and 47. Oh no. There was giddy laughter. Why you ask? Well for the SV folk who might still be reading, there was this
thing with Clark and Lex.
Alright so Lex is being arrested for his latest villainy which will take too long to explain but it was great and nasty and Clark in reporter mode is at the scene watching Lex be led away. His backside be led away.
What is this? Clark senses something amiss! That is not Lex! He's known him since they were kids!
Sure enough.
I could glee for paragraphs about the way Lex is just sitting there eating a sandwhich. BWAHAHAHAHA!
Now the greatest thing about this is - Clark doesn't have his powers during this time period so he didn't x-ray Lex or listen to his heartbeat and discover his scheme that way. Oh no. He just knows Lex and Lex's behind that well. And he actually has the floor plan memorized! Obsessed much?!
Though not quite as much fun there was also mad scientist shenanigans.
Most of the stuff in 52 goes over my head because I don't know enough about the DCU to get all the nuances and know who the hell everybody is but I really feel the writers having fun with the whole evil geniuses on the island together plot and I can't resist it!
So to explain briefly - all (?) the evil geniuses in the DCU are on this island together being mischievous and trying to take over the world, get rich etc. Somewhere along the way they pissed off the wrong guy - Black Adam. Being the badass that he is, Black Adam is set on revenge and he blasts his way to the island hideout and destroys all of their security measures until he's on the inside. Before he can kick all their asses, Dr. Morrow opens a tesseract in his brain! AHA! While bidding on Red Tornado on ebay. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!
If that isn't endearingly nerd wish fulfillment enough for you see what happens next.
Comics make me smile. Hard.
There was even Tim freakyness to be had.
Bruce is on a pilgrimage to get rid of his grouchiness yada yada and Tim is traveling with him. (Dick took off a while ago to spend time with the Batwoman in Gotham)
Tim, you giant FREAKSHOW. How typical of you to want to sit outside in the snow trying to think of nothing for seven days ♥ ♥ ♥
Diana also ends up at this monk hot spot to purge her recent darker ways and she and Tim have a conversation. I love the idea of Diana interacting with the Robins and would love to see more of it.
He counted! Lord. It doesn't help that the art and the circles under his eyes make him look like a bigger freakshow than he is. Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim.
Tada! Now we have a chipper, proud of his boys Bruce! HAHA! I love nice Bruce because he makes me laugh and laugh! We all know the grouch will be back before Dick can do a full flip.
I do have some bitching to purge.
Nightwing #129-131.
- I had high hopes a couple of issues back what with Dick having to pee on stakeout and talking about getting himself a Robin and his usual self-loathing and Bruce voice in his head but these issues. Sigh. Not doing it for me!
- The plot is a really bad fit for Nightwing or any kind of Batbook imo. No magic! Give him some detecting to do or girls to save from a super villain. Anything but this magic shit.
- I miss him being in Bludhaven. LOTS.
- I do approve of his new job though!! Teaching kids acrobatics!! I swoon.
- I also approve of Dick doing one handed handstands sweaty and in his underwear.
- I don't care about the Bruce being nice to him thing although it did feel more off to me than it ever has with Tim.
No, what I care about is this:
Back to the happy.
Bop #103-104
- I'm in love with Barda. The way she was sitting there so calmly while she was bleeding and had bullets in her!!!!!!!!! Then the way she dug it out with Helen's arrow!! AWESOME X 10.
- She also looks snazzy in evening wear. I must read more about her because seriously - LOVE.
- Helena threw a meatball at Catman ♥
- Babs and Katarina are slashy, slashy, slashy.
- Zinda rules! Mismatch is great, Hawkgirl tore up that car and kicked ass!
BoP never lets me down.
Superman Confidential #4
- I'm finding the story dull and it's failing to engage me but I don't care. I love Tim Sale's art too much to care.
Look at it!
How great is Jimmy's hat?! TIM SALE OWNS ME. I have no idea what is going on with there being two Clarks - a hologram? Robot? His secret twin? Bruce in disguise?
Aha what's great about comics is that it could very possibly be any one of those!
JLA #7
- I pretty much loved everything in this issue. From the first page and this -
Which is simple enough. It's just Bruce's cape right? Yeah. That one panel turned me on and turned on the full out dork bliss. I don't know wtf! The scan doesn't show how glossy and pretty it is when it's in your hand. I love the coloring the whole way through - the blueish tint in Diana's hair, Clark's blue and red, Hal's green. It's just . . shiny and does things for that part of my brain.
- I love Bruce's posture next to Clark - the way his hands are on his hips and the one leg jutting out. Most amusing.
- EVERTHING WITH ROY!!!!! Especially his conversation with Hawkgirl and the comment on the hat and shoelace part of his uniform. I want to know Dick's reaction to his League status.
- Dinah for leader!!! YESSSS.
Hall of Justice.
Again the scan doesn't show how great it looks. And silly. It is a very silly building. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
- The group photo and how it was Clark's idea ♥. I bought an extra issue so I could hang it on my wall.
- Ollie and Hal's talk at sunset. Boy howdy. So they're totally gay for each other right?
- I'm not doing it justice! To put it simply - it was everything I know to want in a JLA book.
Next up - team up with the JSA!! I CAN NOT WAIT.
Brave and the Bold #1-2
- Maybe it's because I've never read any of the old Brave and the Bold stuff so it's all new to me but I got the biggest kick out of both of these issues. It's a toss up between whether I enjoyed JLA or these more. I like everybody interacting with everybody. I want more!
So Hal finds a body in space and Bruce finds one in the cave and their trying to solve the mystery together and I approve already.
But then they go to Las Vegas and a casino together and I approve even more.
What is not to adore about that? Hal in his bomber jacket, Bruce annoying him with his ladies man fakeness, gambling, missions - it's all HOTASS. I do wonder about how well Bruce and Hal were getting on though - don't they dislike each other? Strongly? Someone who knows - help?
The mission separates them - Bruce to the desert and Blue Beetle (who was adorable and funny and who I'm going to have to start reading) and Hal to space and Supergirl.
My love for Kara keeps growing. Her chattering away at Hal = WIN.
Bonus for making fun of Clark. His eyes make a noise when they roll. BEST! *KISSES HER*
Then because she has eyes etc she flirts with Hal a lot. Asking him his name.
Green cubicle. Heh.
While Hal is in disguise she gets to carry him around and lean all cozily into him because she's a smart girl like that.
I'm really fond of the pulpy space aspect of the story. It's just so comic book.
Then she gets to kick ass! I could read nothing but her teaming up with various heroes and be perfectly content.
And the song of the day is
Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John because it is bouncy and fits my mood.