Once again I'm with the suck when it comes to commenting and getting back to my emails in a timely manner.
I wish I could blame it on work but sadly, no. I'm still jobless and lazy. I can say that at least the suck isn't because of laziness too. (Shut up before you even say anything,
No, see there's this admissions essay hell that I should have done for school months ago but didn't because I'm a procrastinator and a whiner and like to screw myself over on a routine basis. To motivate myself to sit down and fucking do it already, I decided not to do anything fandom related until I finished it.
Of course, this strategy ended up with nothing getting done and lots of Veronica Mars and Buffy watching and many, many sneaky glances at my flist but no comments because that would be cheating. Right. It does come back to laziness doesn't it? Damn!
Yeah, this is dull. To conclude - I got a rough draft done yesterday! I can now rationalize spending some time in these parts. Ahh logic. She is great.
In between OH GOD WHY AM I GOING BACK TO SCHOOL I DON'T WANT TO NOOOOOOO attacks, my boat's been floating. Here's what's been floating it:
1) This cover of
I Turn My Camera On by Rock Kills Kid.
They played it on the OC sometime in it's death rattle (AWWW SNIFF GOODBYE OC ♥) and I have such an amazing musical ear I didn't realize it was a cover until it was half way over. If you listen to it, you will see how truly amazing that is because it hardly sounds different and MY MUSICAL EAR = TOO AMAZING TO CONTEMPLATE.
Ollie from SV getting a hand job.
So I tell a lie. There's no money shot and it's really Justin Hartley in some movie called
Race You to the Bottom and you probably already knew that because I sent it to
ethrosdemon and bam! It's been popping up everywhere ever since. If you missed it though go, for it is hilarious and he is pretty to look at and I will weep every day for all the awesome Clark/Ollie that is not being written.
That needs talking about some more - I HAVE NOT FOUND A SINGLE CLARK/OLLIE AND IT'S TRAGIC. If you have seen some somewhere please for the love of PORN link me!
ETA: So fangirls wore the link out or something because now the dude who made it has taken it down. TRAGIC, yes. Hope everybody saw it already.
Jim/Dwight kiss. Kissin'. On. The. Neck. It is beyond my ability to get into this without throwing myself on the floor and shaking my brain out of my head and since I like what little brain I have, let's leave it at that. Office hiatus is slowing me down.
Petrellis vs. Winchesters. Winchesters would win. Obviously. That's not the point though. The point is that emo Sam and Peter with the circles under their eyes aren't getting old any time soon.
Give it to Me - Timbaland featuring Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake 6)
Oh No Here It Comes by
onelittlesleep. A story about Dean crying. A wonderful, hysterical, cracked out yet true feeling story about Dean crying. Where has this chick been all my life because damn. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard while reading fic and her Dean voice is the greatest. Just DAMN.
Bad Blood by
astolat runs a close second in the making me laugh department. Sam and Dean. Forces outside of their control. Horses. Genius!
8) Veronica Mars. More specifically
this picture of Ryan Hansen and Jason Dohring.
Try and tell me that doesn't put the biggest smile on your face.
Some random thoughts on Season 3 since I'm all caught up -
- Either I'm not watching the same show as everybody else or Smallville has ruined my brain (would so not be surprised) but I'm befuddled as to the supposed decline in quality. Sure it's not as good as Season 1 but it couldn't top that no matter what so whatever! Veronica is still awesome, Logan is still the hottest to hot, Weevil still rocks, I still want Papa Mars to be my dad, everything Dick does is still hilarious, and the mysteries for the most part still engage me. You people are picky.
- Logan and the moping beard cracked me up. Also broke my heart. God he is Veronica's bitch and I still say that they are the most interesting, fucked up, porny canon couple ever.
- Those bastards! I can't believe they killed Lamb!! *cries into my pillow for him*
- Wallace needs to be around more. A lot more.
- Piz/Veronica needs to be stopped right now.
- Because my mind is a steel trap I can't remember anything else but I LOVE THIS SHOW and please don't let them cancel it!
9) I comissioned
undula to draw me some Goyle/Draco and
look at the way she knocked it out of the park
Masterpieces!! GOYLE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EVER! *ships them always*
I met Rosenbaum at the Hockey charity thing! For approximately two seconds but ROSENBAUM. I went with
mailerose and since I didn't get to stay to watch the game and since she has actual details over on her lj, I'll let her tell the story. I'll say this - it was surreal. I felt like I was at the zoo the way we were all staring at him, but he's lovely in person. Especially his hands which I've never noticed before. The most exciting part about it was realizing for the millionth time how much I love Smallville. Not just for him or for the hotass, but just for itself. We're talking deep, real love here. Full to the brim all over again. I'm going to have to make multiple stupid posts about it soon. I feel that itch.
On that note - Smallville was back last night!!! Did it live up to it's
- My overall reaction to this episode was sadness. I want to watch it again but yeah, SADNESS. I'm eager to see if it made anyone else feel the same way.
I hate Clark/Lana but Jesus. I couldn't help but be stabbed by how it went down between them. She finally finds out his secret - for sure - and she realizes she loves him anyways and that she wants to be with him and there it is - that normal, happy life - that reassurance that Clark so desperately wants, right there within his reach only to be ripped away. Again. Definitively.
And Clark has no idea why. He thinks he's laid out his heart and that she's rejected him - his difference and AWW GOD CLARK BREAKING MY HEART. His face there at the end!!!!!
I got to thinking about how SV is playing with Clark and the way things are going? They're making Superman sad. Clark doesn't want this destiny hero gig - he doesn't want his alieness - and yet we all know that's where he's going to end up. SV is making it his last resort - the thing he'll take after he has no other choices - after he's lost any other way and it's just. HEART BREAKING.
Yeah, don't expect a broad vocabulary or organized thoughts here. Ain't happening.
I haven't read that many Superman comics but it never struck me as being that way - that last option - for comics Clark. On the one hand - awesome! I love the way SV plays with the mythology - on the other I'm not digging the tinge that puts on the whole This is the Gayest show EVER. Clark accepting his Super Desitiny ie COMPLETE OVER THE TOP GAYNESS with a broken spirit and miles of regrets.
Adfadlfaksdksjl Clark's emo is messing up my perceptions and I'm talking out of my ass. Who knows how the show will work it out in the end - he can have regrets and pain but maybe he'll have learned and he'll run off towards that Superman thing with a smile and a resolution to embrace what he should have always embraced and there will be rainbows and lots of sex with Batman and the rest of the Justice League. Justice sure seems to point that way.
- I've come to the conclusion that Clark is by far my favorite person on tv. He makes me feel so very, very fond.
- Watching Lana watch Clark using his powers turned me on. YEAH. Also that scene was nicely set up.
- Except - Lex is fifty times smarter than Lana and he's been obsessed with finding out Clark's secret for years and Smallville expects me to believe that Lana tricked it into witnessing it with her own eyes and Lex hasn't?! Oh Smallville, you silly goose of a lovable show.
- Return of wicked, awful, delicious Lionel!! HE BITCHSLAPPED LEX. YESSS. I swear if Lex doesn't shank him before this show is over I will weep.
- Lex's dream about sitting in that room with the huge ultra sound made me laugh so hard. I was shocked it was a dream. I'm sure he has that room somewhere in the mansion. ABSOLUTELY.
- Clark's nightmare was interesting to say the least. Lana's harlot lipstick ahahahahaha.
- They need to hurry up and bring Mercy on so that Lex doesn't have to beat people to death in pretty crypts with his own hands.
- I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT NEXT EPISODE! Corny fun! Bring that on after all this making me sad wtf business.
Supernatural was also back!!
'Roadkill' -
- Huh. So lots of exposition then. Yawn.
- Although Sam's compassion and earnest whisper explaining things voice hasn't failed to do it for me since I inexplicably fell madly in love with him a couple of months ago.
- Chicky mama walking off into the dawn was nice considering all the implications it has for Sam and Dean but it made me feel like I was watching a different show.
- Other stuff happened but how about next week!! It's Helen from SV! Is she going to be the one to get it on with Sam? Lucky her.