Hello, all! I started this paper ages ago after going to see Silent Hill with my friend Ren. The River picture is a manip of a Silent Hill 3 promo image. I wanted to do something creepy, and I think it worked! I hope you enjoy!
This memoir is a grimoire.
Abandon hope all ye who think you understand the meaning of true fear. The dank and hollow places that hide in the black recesses of your soul -- those things are not fear. Fear isn’t cold; it burns. Fear isn’t black.
It’s red.
How to survive? Learn to paint. Shades of copper and nicotine make excellent pigment. Smear scarlet swirls on the walls and leave it as a feast for flies. Cook your terrors in red juice. Teach your horrors how to quake.
Fight back first, or learn to burn.
And the original image:
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