Books are beautiful.

Mar 27, 2011 22:15


Name: Alanna.
Age: 21.
Gender: Female.
Likes/Talents/Hobbies: Music is my favourite thing. I am a former music student and 'musician' is my job description right now. I enjoy it so much! Aside from that, I love animals; one day I would love to study zoology or vet science. I also like writing, reading, painting, solitude and bushwalking.
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: I am extremely shy - sometimes I think I must be the shyest person in the world, but I know that's probably an exaggeration and, at any rate, impossible to ascertain! So, I dislike company. I'm not a misanthropist, but my social inepticy makes me prefer solitude. I also loathe animal cruetly in any form.

the FAVORITES (and please try to explain why)

Color(s): I like all colours. I can't seem to commit myself to any specific hue.
Movie(s): As it is in Heaven. I like it because it's about music, my favourite topic. I also love Disney movies, particularly The Lion King!
Music: I love music! Especially old country music.
Book(s): My favourite book is The Waves by Virginia Woolf; I love the poetry of it! Also, Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte are extremely dear to me.
Food: I'm a vegan and I love any food that falls within that description! If it's vegan, I'll eat it. Especially if it's chocolate!
Animal: I love all animals! I don't think I could pick a favourite. If pressed, I'd say dogs and horses.
Season: Winter. Where I grew up, the summers were long and unbearable, and as a consequence of that I came to dislike heat. I get cold easily, but I still love winter best.
Quote/Saying: 'It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.' Jiddu Krishnamurti.


What are some of your positive traits? That's really hard. I generally feel so inferior to everyone else that picking a positive trait seems impossible. Perhaps gentleness, or the ability to be quiet and listen to others.
What are some of your negative traits? I make people feel uncomfortable because I'm socially awkard. I can't sustain a conversation beyond 'hello'. I'm extremely naive and inexperienced, more like a child than a twenty-one-year-old.
How do you view love and relationships? I view them as totally separate entities. I think the 'love' we attribute to romantic relationships is illusory in the sense that it isn't what we think it is. I think love is absence of self, of time. As for relationships, I've never had one and never intend to, but of course I'm not against those who do!
What are your some of your goals and dreams? I want to travel and make a decent living off my music. Eventually I would love to live on some acreage and take in rescued animals, grow my own food and be self-sufficient. To live a simple life.

THIS or THAT (feel free to elaborate)

Optimistic or Pessimistic? I'm usually very pessimistic, but I'd rather be optimistic! I'm a bit of an Eeyore sometimes.
Realist or Idealist? An idealist derailed by reality.
Introverted or Extroverted? Extremely introverted.
Impulsive or Cautious? Both, without any real consistency.
Leader or Follower? Neither; I don't have anyone to lead or follow!
Mature or Immature? Very immature, not in the sense that I muck about like a child, but rather that I lack the experience and confidence of a mature person. I also love things normally coveted by kids, like Disney and puppies and fluffy toys...
Selfish or Selfless? Both. But probably my greatest desire is to be able to devote myself to living selflessly.
Trusting or cynical? Horribly cynical, but also very trusting. It makes no sense.
Romantic or not? I love the idea of romance as presented in Victorian literature, for example, but on the whole I'm not romantic. I guess I like romanticism, but not actual romance.


Describe your personal style: Very "girly" - I love long floral dresses. I'm so shy that I hate to be looked at, but I do like pretty clothes.
Describe (briefly!) your ideal romantic partner (or if you’d prefer to be alone, explain why): I'd prefer to be alone. I love solitude too much to want to relinquesh it and I'm a little scared of other people.
How do you overcome obstacles and hardships? I tend to withdraw into myself and try to work things out alone.
Where would you most like to live? (this may include houses, locations, climates, etc.) I love my present location; it's full of forests, has a cool climate and is very hilly. But if I could live anywhere it would be Canada.
What kind of heroine do you think you would be? A fairly timid, innocent kind of heroine - not very heroic, I'm afraid!
Which heroine do you think you’re least like? Anyone bold, confident, outspoken, world-weary...
Is there anything else you’d like us to know and take into consideration? I think to digress any further would be cruel!

And finally, please link any (at least three) applications you have voted on:




stamped: mrs. de winter

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