I was previously stamped as Mia, and whereas I can relate to her in the first book, as she grown up I kind of stopped, so I wanted to see if there's a better fit :)
Previously stamped as: Scarlett O'Hara ❥ regular.
Pip ❥ Male character theme.
Pippa Cross ❥ Gemma Doyle theme.
Juliet ❥ Shakespeare theme.
Hermione Granger ❥ Harry Potter theme.
Amy March ❥ Little Women theme.
Red Riding Hood ❥ Fairytale theme.
Marianne Dashwood ❥ Austen theme.
Wendy Darling ❥ Children's lit. theme.
Samantha Parkington ❥ American Girl theme.
Antigone ❥ Greek Drama theme.
Mia Thermopolis ❥ Young Adult theme.
Frances Hodgson Burnett ❥ Author theme.
Susan Pevensie ❥ Narnia theme.
~About You~
Positive traits: Internally strong, imaginative, friendly, intelligent, understanding, curious, aware, flexible, easygoing, thoughtful, warm, funny, kindhearted, affectionate, polite, conscientious.
Negative traits: Sensitive, anxious, spontaneous, feisty, bossy, stubborn, short-tempered, sort of selfish/spoiled, initially guarded, impatient, critical, finical, distractable, lazy, independent in a bad way and dependent in a bad way (don't ask).
Likes/interests/hobbies: Reading, it's one of my passions in life: I get so very excited and emotional whenever I read an awesome book and sometimes I look very, very silly when I'm reading and smiling; drawing, I always make sketches of weird fluffy people/clothing with various expressions (and I tend to actually mimic their expressions!) when I'm bored, especially at school; internet... I can't live without it! lol. No, actually, my sister and I had a bet to see if I can not use internet for two days and of course, I won that bet. There goes my competitive spirit :)
Dislikes/pet peeves: People who bully others and think oh so highly of themselves because of that; judgemental people; dumb and senseless jerks, homeless failtastic guys who try to hit on me... but yeah, just guys who try to hit on me is fitting here too. Crowds.
What are some of your goals and dreams? I would like to get a well-payed job without much stress, I don't really care if it's broing or not. Getting into a remotely good university would have been cool too. I would also like to travel somewhere like Belgium. But most of all, I would like to fall in love.
How do you feel about love and relationships? I'm more realistic when it comes to love, however this doesn't stop me from being a romantic person in general, haha. I just think that you have to know someone before actually feeling something as strong as love for them, so the concept of love at first sight kind of saddens me; so it's all about appearance, huh? I didn't really think much of the whole soul mates thing though, it might be true.
~This or That~
Realistic or idealistic? Idealistic realist.
Introverted or extroverted? A mix, maybe leaning more towards introverted.
Adventurous or a homebody? In-between, depends on my mood.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic when everybody else is pessimistic, otherwise realistic. Although, when I asked my mum she said I was pessimistic, haha. But when she also mentioned I was more realistic if that's an option :'D That's true, when I think about it.
By the books or a rule breaker? By the books.
Leader or follower? Neither, I prefer to be my own leader and follower when I'm working on something and have fun with people who don't need a leader or follower.
A tomboy or girly? Girly, although a bit tomboy-ish when it comes to my attitude towards things sometimes.
~You are...~
[ x ] Creative
[ x ] Imaginative
[ x ] Intelligent
[ x ] Stubborn
[ x ] Intuitive
[ x ] Selfish
[ ] Brave
[ ] Reckless
[ / ] Resourceful
~Youth is wasted on the young~
What do you do when things don't go your way? I try to fix them, make them go my way. And later getting very/kinda annoyed and snapping at basically everybody if they say something that might irritate me evena bit, basically I really dislike when things don't go my way; I just think that everything is crashing down if one thing doesn't go right.
If someone you loved was in danger, what would you do? I'd try to save them no matter what, I tend to think that there's always a way to save someone even if they might not see that.
How well do you respond to stress? Not very well, I become sort of mean and bitter and hurtful towards everyone around me, although I never actually mean to be anything like that.
What would you say is your biggest flaw? I'm very sensitive to whatever people think about me and I would say just sensitive to things in general. I think it's also one of the reasons why I'm shy.
~An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young~
Do you read Young Adult fiction? Why/why not? I read it all the time, it's my favorite genre :)
Have you read any books on the list of options? I did and I at least have an idea about all of them.
Is there a character you don't think you are like or don't want to get stamped as? Bella Swan? Haha. Oh, and Lyra.
Is there anything else you would like to add? Nope.
And because votes are still a must…