From 1. Neil(fish)! - My favoritest =D Probably the reason matt assigned me this letter =D
2. Norris, Chuck - His roundhouse kick holds the land speed record.
3. New Pornographers, The - A band I listen to a whole lot, and sing along with, especially while driving.
4. Novel - One of my favorite adjectives, especially when it comes to Neil's pants.
5. Nutella - Candice and Jenny love that stuff.
6. Numb3rs - A TV show that I like.
7. Nerd camp - Where I work in the summer, TAing chemistry =)
8. Norton Juster - The author of The Phantom Tollbooth, which I'm currently re-reading.
9. Neon Carot - A fantastic name for a crayon color
10. Newsweek - A magazine I read sometimes
This is how it works: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.