The Character Physically
1. What is the character's stature and build? Is she overweight? Thin? What is her height and weight?
James is about 5'11" (I kept Adam Levine's height) and super, super scrawny. He's not anorexic, by any means, but he's got the kind of constitution where eating in copious amounts doesn't really do much to him. He's muscular for his build.
Here is a picture for reference. Scrawny, tiny, but musclar.
2. How old is he?
James is 25 and will be 26 on June 17th.
3. Describe his posture. Is it good? Does he carry himself well? Is he crooked? Straight?
James tends to slouch when he's sitting, unless he's at a nice restaurant or a guest at someone's house. He always remembers manners in those situations. He walks with a fairly good posture, unless he's upset, in which case his shoulders slouch over and he keeps his head down. His walking habits are reflected by his mood.
4. Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong?
James was a track runner, all throughout high school and college. He doesn't work out nearly as often as he used to, or as he'd like to. He can still run a mile in under five minutes, but it requires more and more effort to do so. He plans to start running again to get back "into shape," so to speak. He's muscularly very strong for his size.
5. How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Not that James knows of. He does have some vague allergies, but nothing serious. It usually just ends in a rash and goes away fairly quickly. He wears contacts, and rarely, if ever, wears his glasses. His sight isn't bad enough to require glasses whenever his contacts are out.
6. Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?
Like the Gemini he is, James likes to keep active. But he knows to slow down sometimes, especially when writing or playing music. If he's keeping himself busy while remaining still, he doesn't mind it too much. If he's just twiddling his thumbs, he goes absolutely insane and has to find something to do. He's a fast moved, and takes large strides while walking. Put him back in New York City, and it'll be like he's never left.
7. Is he clumsy, awkward, graceful?
He's not clumsy, usually. He can be awkward, but is very good at hiding these moments from people. He's not graceful, though .. He's sort of just .. average. He does have a really big inner nerd, though, that most people don't know about.
8. Does he move in straight or curved lines? Is he physically tight or fluid?
Straight lines, unless drunk, in which case it's zigzag and back again. He's a fluid mover, unless he's upset or rushed. Since moving to California in his canon verse, he's become much more fluid. He was physically tight in New York and resumes this way of acting when he goes back.
9. What are his chief efforts?
James is focusing on his music career, and will be starting work on his record in the near future. At this present moment in time, he's focusing on making it through Z's memorial service and not losing his mind or locking himself up in his new house. Eventually, he wants to go on tour and promote his album. In his M&W and Blackboard verses, he's just focusing on surviving another school year.
10. Is the character good-looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured?
Personally, the mun is drooling just at the thought of Adam Levine. He's good-looking, but he often doesn't realize it or tells himself that he's not. That's a deep-seeded insecurty from elementary school. As weird as it sounds, he is sometimes self-conscious of his nipples; he thinks they're too small for his body. He also feels the same way about his ears and his connected earlobes.
11. Is the character aware of himself physically?
As in does he think he's attractive? There are moments where he feels good, especially if he's dressed up to go out somewhere. He feels the most attractive when he's behind his guitar, though, or behind a microphone. Otherwise, he feels just about average or less.
12. Describe his complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked?
He's got a light, clear complexion. He rarely suffers break outs, and the most he ever had was one or two back in high school. He's got some scars on him, though, in various parts of his body. He has the most scarring on his right hand, around his knuckles, from punching so often.
13. Describe his hair, coloring, styling. Is it taken care of?
His hair is a dark, chestnut-y brown. The styling varies, depending on James' (or Adam Levine's) mood. He's had it shaved
short, he's had it
spiked with the sides really short, he's had it shaved really
short, he's had it
messy and toussled, he's had it
flipped in the front .. Most recently, he's let his hair grow out a bit
longer, and hasn't been styling it much. (Also, I have to AWW at the picture because it's Adam and his little brother, Sam, at a Laker's game. Awww.)
14. How is his usual dexterity? Does he have good hands: Can he do things? Is he a worker?
Being a drummer, pianist, and guitarist .. He has amazing dexterity. In fact, it's something he prides himself on, very much. The fingers on his left hand are completely calloused from playing the guitar so often, and he can't feel anything in the tips. He's good with his hands, and can generally fix most gadgets without reference. His fingers are very long and lean, and make it easy for him to work with them.
15. Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?
It depends on the situation. Recently, in light of Z's death, his body seems to oscillate between being completely uptight, to being almost lethargic in his lack of sleeping and energy. Generally speaking, however, he's very relaxed, and it matches his laid-back attitude. When playing the guitar, he's the most at home, and the most controlled. He knows exactly what his body is doing at all times.
16. What are his chief tension centers?
Shoulders, neck, and back.
17. What part of his body would you notice first?
His eyes. They change based on his mood. They turn bright green when he's happy or excited, and almost grey/black when he's upset or angry. His eyes are one of the most intense parts of his body, the contrast of the lighter, clearer eyes with his dark eyebrows noticable right away. They also reveal his mood almost instantly, and he's only begun to master the art of hiding it. The best way to describe his stare is if you watch the "She Will Be Loved" video. There's a part towards the end, where Kelly Preston is trying to make him jealous with her husband, and all he does is just stare at her .. I know I start squirming in my seat when I watch it.
The Character's Mind
1. Is the character smart, dumb, naive?
James is smart, but he's not particularly smart about any one thing. He's very much a Jack of all Trades, Master of None. He knows a lot about a lot of things, like music, guitars, tattoos, literature, and movies. Things related to science and math, however, are seriously lacking. He's not naive by any means, and is usually oppositely cynical.
2. Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull?
Depends on his frame of mind. Lately, he's been a slow thinker because other things have made it hard for him. Normally, he's fairly quick-witted. And sarcastic.
3. What kind of education has he had?
James attended
Dalton School from K - 12, then attended New York University for both his Undergraduate and Graduate degrees in English Education. He has entertained the idea of going back to get his Master's in something else, though.
4. What subjects does the character have knowledge or expertise in?
Music, guitars, technology (in terms of what to buy, what's good, what's not, etc. not fixing it, so much), and literature.
5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional?
Let's sum this up. In James' Canon verse, after things turned south with he and Farah, he packed his things and moved to Los Angeles, and lived with Z whom he barely knew. Then, when things were still shitty and he couldn't figure out how to get away from it, he asked Z to go with him on a spontaneous trip of Europe. In Tuscany, he took over Z's grandfather's vineyard after she said she was going to have difficulty selling it. Then, after she passed away, he bought a house in Beverly Hills based on the pictures and a very short tour of the place for $12 million. I'd say he's prety impulsive. But all of his decisions have been led by his heart or by his caring for a friend. And they're all logical decisions. He moved from NY to save himself because he could feel himself growing closer to self-destruct mode. He'd been wanting to go back to Europe since college, and since Z knew Italy rather well, he thought it'd be a good choice. He saw the vineyard as not only a way to help his friend out, but also a good business venture. And .. Well, he splurged on the house for purely selfish reasons.
6. Does he think out things before he speaks or can he "think on his feet" as he is speaking?
He rarely, if ever, thinks things through completely before answering. In situations like a job interview, though, he's obviously more careful about his quick tongue. Otherwise, he just says the first thing that comes to his mind, without really thinking it through. It hasn't gotten him into too much trouble yet, so he'll keep doing it until it does. And probably after it does.
7. Does he have contemplative times? What does he think about when alone?
James is highly, highly introspective. As extroverted as the guy is, he absolutely values his alone time and the chance to evaluate his thoughts and the goings-on of the day. This is most often done late at night, or in the early hours of the morning after he hasn't gone to sleep from the night before. His thoughts range from song ideas, to friends, to lost friends, to his parents, to where he wants to take his next trip, to the events of the day, to what he wants to do with his life .. He runs the gamut when he thinks. Which is usually why he's exhausted when he's done and sleeps for a long while.
8. Is he an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea man? An action man?
James .. Is not an idealist. Though many have called him as such, he considers himself a pessimistic realist. He knows that things fall short, and usually expects them to. He prepares himself for the worst-case scenario, always. However, he still has a bit of a dreamer in him when it comes to things like World Peace and Equal Rights. He thinks that the world will get there, someday, even if it's not in his lifetime. And once an idea forms, such as going to Europe, he acts on them with little second-guessing.
9. Is his life motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards?
He's learned to accept that abstract ideals won't ever really be measurable or attainable, in most situations. Instead, he measures his goals and successes by practical rewards. For instance, getting the job at Cathedral was an attainable reward for him. In his Canon Verse, getting signed was another. The abstract ideal of being a world-famous musician .. well, the guy can certainly dream, and does.
The Character's Emotions and Personality
1. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Extrovert. No doubt about it.
2. Does he get along well with people? Does he have charm? Are people attracted to him? Does he like people?
James gets along very well with most people. He definitely has charm, and it's gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion (see: the backstory of Andy and James before they were bro-mates). He loves people. He loves his alone time, too, but he loves feeling surrounded by people who matter to him. He loves that sense of community and sense of real support. It's probably because he didn't hav much growing up, with his mother gone and his father buried in his teaching. He likes reassurance that he's not going to die, alone and forgotten somewhere. And .. yes. People are attracted to him, to which he's normally pretty oblivious. Unless he's interested in return, in which case, he convinces himself that the woman to whom he's talking is totally checking him out.
3. Does he have many friends? Any close friends?
James has a good amount of friends. There are those he considers more acquaintances, ones he wouldn't necessarily run to if he was having problems. Then there are those who are his family, such as Jeff, Andy, Lauren, and Farah .. And there are still those whom are not so distant as to be called acquaintances but not so close that he'd call them family.
4. Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed?
James is the angriest and most emotional pup I've ever had. Little things set him off, and it's rare that he ever takes it out on someone other than himself. He's been in a few bar fights, either because someone was verbally harrassing whoever he was with or someone else, and only steps in when he's finally had enough. Otherwise, he's pretty laid back. And if he's going to have some violent burst, it's always taken out on his own body, like punching walls and doors and breaking his hand. With other things, he can be so relaxed you'd think he was dead.
5. Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show often?
He does. And they can change rather quickly, I've found. With Z's death, he has been extremely, extremely depressed over her loss. Which then turned into apathy towards everything and anyone. Which then turned into anger. Which again turned into depression. But he also experiences great joy and loe when he thinks about her in a positive light. He wasn't lying when he said he felt bi-polar.
6. Does he indulge in emotional peaks, outbursts, or valleys?
... See above question. And I never know how quickly any of them will blow over.
7. Would you say he is basically sensitive or callous?
Sensitive. Almost too much.
8. Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naive about new people or situations?
When forming friendships, he is cautiously trusting. He knows that not everyone is as they appear, and he can usually get a good reading of people almost automatically. He trusts people, but never entirely and completely. There is always the fear and preparation that they are going to betray him and hurt him somehow.
9. Is he an aggressive or reactive person? Is he a pusher or a puller?
James is all four simultaneously, depending on the situation. They're always there, but sometimes one becomes a little more prominent. As my play-writing teacher said, which is still one of the best analogies .. On a Mac, the icons at the bottom of the screen are always present, and when you scroll your cursor over one, it becomes enlarged and more prominent. It doesn't mean the other icons aren't there, but they fade into the background a little while the enlarged becomes more noticable. That's what happens with James.
10. Does he take positive or negative action?
This also depends. In case of the bar fights, for instance, it's positive for him and the person he's defending, super negative for the person who gets a fist to the face.
11. In a danger or emergency situation, would he go to it or run away from it?
He runs to it and tries to help however he can. He's a firm believer that indifference is one of the greatest sins a person can commit.
12. Is the character basically nervous or calm?
Calm, generally.
13. Does the character have a sense of humor? Does he appreciate jokes? Can he see humor in unfunny situations? Can he laugh at herself?
Yes. James' sense of humor is usually slap-stick, sarcastic, witty, and dry. He loves, loves jokes, especially someone who can deal it back just as much as he can dish it out. His sense of humor is also a dirty kind, and nothing is sacred. Though he does have some kind of tact. Sometimes. James can laugh at himself, to a certain extent. Once he feels that someone isn't just poking fun but is out-right mocking him, his sense of humor turns off and anger or insult sets in.
14. Can he tell a funny story or joke?
He tries, sometimes. Usually he says something funny without realizing or intending to.
15. Is he a practical joker? What is his opinion of tricks or jokes played on other people?
Yes. James loves practical jokes. As long as the jokes aren't cruel or ultimately end in someone being hurt physically or emotionally, he's got no problem with them. When he and Lauren first hung out, they threw water balloons out of her hotel window at passers-by underneath. He loved it.
16. Is his humor ever cruel?
He certainly tries to avoid this at all costs.
17. Under what conditions could he be harmful or mean or cruel to another person?
If he's on emotional over-load, he shuts himself down and cares little about how it affects other people. This leads to him feeling apathetic about things that should matter, and has hurt many people in the past. It eventually comes back to bite him. But it's his only method of self-preservation.
18. Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area? Is he capable of relation to others in a loving way? Is he capable or relating to one specific person in a romantic way?
James is a very loving person, and always likes to make some kind of physical contact with those to whom he's talking. He doesn't ever give his entire self, to anyone, for fear of having it completely dessimated and destroyed. So he gives as much of himself as he can bare to lose, should it be lost and ripped to shreds. He is very Geminian in that his attention span is short, and, unfairly, his romantic partner must keep his interest and his attention in a variety of ways in order to keep him around. Otherwise, he gets bored very quickly and wants out. He's very fliratious, and may be the type to simply date casually. He's not entirely sure how well he does with long-term relationships. But he is certainly capable of relating to people in romantic ways; it's just a question of for how long.
19. Is he loved by any other people? In what way?
Yes. In a variety of ways.
20. Is he romantically in love now? With whom? Is this a happy, rewarding or frustrating situation for him?
In his M&W Verse, he is romantically in love with an exclusive person. In his Blackboard and Canon Verses, he is not. And in his Sliding Doors Verse, it's still being entertained. For the M&W Verse, he is happy in the relationship and finds it rewarding.
The Character's Wealth, Power, and Influence
1. Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others for him?
Yes. James' maternal grandfather started his own catering business in the Hamptons, on Long Island, and serves the extremely wealthy. He has done very, very well, and as James is his favorite grandchild, he receives a large chunk of his money from this grandfather. His paternal grandfather was an inventor who had a contract with the United States Government, and all of this money went to his son, James' father, upon his death. This included real estate, stocks, bonds, and all things of that nature. Add that onto the life insurance policies that he received from both parents' deaths, and .. Yeah. James is very, very wealthy, but very generous with it. He doesn't want position or respect for having so much money. He just wants to make his friends' lives a little more comfortable, and make his own more comfortable, as well.
2. Is he generous or selfish with his money and possessions?
James has no issue in completely splurging on a friend, as was seen in his Christmas presents. He sent many people on trips to exotic places, gave blank checks, large-sum gift certificates, and so forth. Money is no object to him when it comes to his friends. And his home is always open to those who need a place to stay.
3. Is the character socially prominent? Is he prominent from wealth, position or office, family history, ability or accomplishment?
In New York, James is fairly prominent. This is from his money, his grandfather's reputation, his father's reputation, and also from his affiliation with Jeff, his best friend, who owns a celebrity-drenched club in New York. He's gone to many of the charity events held at the club, and has also gained some notoriety from having played and sung at the club. In California, he doesn't have as much of a reputation, and he likes it that way.
4. Does the character rate high in the "pecking order" with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World? High in the pecking order .. Meaning the proverbial food chain? Uh. He's the only one living in his household now, save for his dog. In his M&W verse, Farah's moved in with him, and he considers it an equal partnership. Who's higher up can be disputed. In the town, area, nation, and world .. Eh. He doesn't give it too much thought .. and neither have I.
5. Does this person wield much clout? Over whom and by what means?
I'll get back to you on this one.
6. Can he command others to do her bidding, by word or manipulation?
He can, depending on the task.
7. How does he get her wishes daily?
He will usually go out and do it himself. He's about action.
8. To whom is he subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable?
The President? Previously, it was very unavoidable as he has a serious dislike for Bush. But with the upcoming inauguration, he's more than willing.
The Character's Activities
1. How does the character spend his time?
If he's on his own, most often, he'll be catching Mythbuster's or some other Discovery/History Channel show on television, playing a computer or video game, reading, or playing music. He'll also just find random things with which to amuse himself, including taking Ollie out for walks, playing guitar in a nearby park, going to a new restaurant, going out to a bar or a club, and so forth. He always finds ways.
2. What does his daily routine consist of?
In his M&W/Blackboard/Sliding Doors Verses, his daily routine is to wake up, use the bathroom, shower, brush his teeth, get dressed, fix his hair in some sort of style, grab a granola bar, stop for coffee at Starbucks, catch the subway, and go to work at Cathedral. In his Canon Verse, he has no daily routine, except waking up, using the bathroom, taking a shower, and brushing his teeth.
3. What is his profession or work?
M&W/Blackboard/Sliding Doors Verses - 12th Grade English teacher at Cathedral High School. Canon Verse - Unemployed, but has recently signed a record deal, and will become a professional musician.
4. What things does he really like to do?
Read, watch television, spend time online, play guitar, and sing.
5. What things does he hate to do?
Mundane, monotonous activities. If it's too much of a routine, he'll hate doing it. It's why he doesn't like teaching in the M&W/Blackboard Verses.
6. What are his leisure time activities? Pasttimes? Recreation?
Playing his guitar, writing songs, and singing cover songs. He likes going out, drinking, socializing, and meeting new people. He also enjoys just taking walks, whether it be on a beach or in a park. He also finds great joy in eating, especially at five-star restaurants. He smokes pot, on occasion, but doesn't make a habit of it. If he's feeling particularly stressed, he's got no qualms about lighting up.
7. Does he play games? What kind?
Video and computer games. He's got a PlayStation loyalty, but he does enjoy PS2, PS3, XBOX, XBOX360, N64, and the DS. He's been on the hunt for older systems, though, like the Sega Genesis, the original GameBoy, and the original Nintendo.
8. Does ehe like to eat or drink? How important to him are food and drink?
James loves food and beer. Loves. Loves, loves, loves. He'll eat just about anything, except mushrooms, shellfish, and things with cilantro in it. This puts him off to a lot of Mexican food. He favors Italian, French, Chinese, Thai, and Indian food. But he's usually willing to try most things, even if it's weird or unusual for the American culture. His favorite beer is Guinness, though he does also enjoy Killian's, Budweiser American Ale, Grolsch, Tsing Tao, and Sapporo.
9. How important is sex to him? What sexual activities does he partake in? Anything unusual?
If there's anything James loves more than food and beer, it's sex. Lots of sex. He's purely heterosexual, and likes to express this .. often. He takes part in foreplay, oral sex, vaginal sex .. Something about anal sex completely grosses his out, so he refuses to do that. He enjoys a bit of S&M, like spanking, handcuffs, blindfolds .. He also likes incorporating new things into sexual experiences. His favorites are whipped cream, strawberries, cherries, or other types of fruit, and ice cubes. But he's pretty much willing to try most things. And talk about it.
10. Is his exactitude about sex healthy or disturbing to him? Is sex a rewarding, enriching part of this person's life or is it frightening, anxious, or frustrating? Is sex a positive or negative factor in his life?
Sex is wonderful, rewarding, enriching, and wonderful for James. He loves feeling that closeness to someone, feeling that uniting of two bodies. Though he'll sometimes shrug it off as nothing more than a physical desire, he really does let himself feel everything, emotional, mental, spiritual. Sex is a very intense experience for him, whether he admits it or not.
The Character's Favorite Things
1. Colors?
Blue, black, and white, generally. He likes a lot of neutral colors.
2. Food?
Italian, French, Chinese, Thai, and Indian. His favorite is Gnocchi Sorrento.
3. Drinks?
Beer. Lots of beer. He'll indulge in a Martini (dirty) every now and again, but more often than not, he goes for beer. Or for a good wine or champagne.
4. Smells?
For colognes, he likes warm, musky scents. And he likes the same in perfumes, with lighter floral notes that, to him, define femininity. But baking cookies will always be his favorite scent, right up there with leather jackets and old, dusty books.
5. Time of day?
Late night/early morning.
6. Season of the year?
Spring or Summer. And winter, in New York City.
7. Books?
Novels, but most of the classics. He doesn't like too much modern stuff. He likes writers such as Poe, Tolkien, Dickens, Shakespeare, and so forth. He also loves poetry, especially Whitman, Dickinson, Burns, and Cummings.
8. Kinds of literature?
The novel. He doesn't like too much Sci-Fi, except the Lord of the Rings. He doesn't read the crime/trhiller novel often, either, though he respects the like of Doyle.
9. Authors?
See the last two questions.
10. Places to visit?
He has seen most of Europe, but he wants to get to Australia, Africa, Middle/South America, and Asia. Extensively.
11. Kinds of music?
Ecclectic, to say the least. He doesn't listen to Country music. He loves classic rock, like The Eagles, The Beatles (his aboslute FAVORITE band), The Who, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, etc. He likes only a handful of modern artists, like Coldplay, Jason Mraz, Regina Spektor, and Ingrid Michaelson. He likes Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, the Duke, and other Jazz musicians. He also likes Nirvana and the Grunge movement of the 90s. He likes Michael Jackson, Wham! (he's reluctant to admit this), Pat Benetar, and other 80s musicians. He'll listen to Classical music (in fact, it's what he listens to when he wants to relax or grade papers in his M&W/Blackboard Verses). He'll listen to showtunes, to Opera .. To just about everything, except Country.
12. Musical Instruments?
He excels at the guitar, but can also play the piano and drums very well.
13. Composers?
Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Bach, for the classics. He also loves John Williams and Howard Shore, for the modern-day ones.
14. Metals?
Silver, white gold, or platinum. He doesn't like yellow gold.
15. Building materials?
16. Fabrics?
Nice ones?
17. Pieces of furniture?
He's easily impressed by new, mod, creative pieces of furniture. But has a deep reverence for the old and the meaningful.
18. Plants?
Alive ones.
19. Flowers?
Lilies and roses, because they were his mother's favorites.
20. Trees?
Weeping Willows. Or Palms.
21. Birds?
Nightingales or Morning Doves.
22. Animals?
Most of them. He loves dogs the most, though.
23. Miscellaneous?
Seeing new movies and expanding his ever-growing DVD collection.
24. Modern Fairytale?
... ?
Character's Religion
1. What are his specific religious beliefs? Does he belong to a specific sect or creed? Does he advocate that group's beliefs?
James' mother was Roman Catholic, his father was raised Jewish. James practices neither and defines himself as being agnostic. He doesn't believe in organized religion.
2. How important is religion to him?
Religion means nothing. Spirituality is everything.
3. Is he pious, devout?
No, but this is easy considering he doesn't attend Church or Temple. Ever. Well, he does attend Church on Christmas, but that was it. Old habits die hard.
4. In what religious activities does he engage? What percentage of his time is devoted to it?
An hour at Church on Christmas. That's it.
5. How does religion motivate his actions or affect them?
It doesn't.
Character's Fears
1. What things frighten him?
He won't admit to a lot of these, but his biggest fear is being completely deserted. He fears losing all of his friends or having them betray him. He also has irrational fears of tunnels, clowns, and waking up in surgery. Not that he's had many.
2. Is he motivated by fear?
Sometimes. He'll always opt for bridges if he has the choice. He doesn't go to the circus, ever. And he avoids hospitals if he can.
3. To what extent is he motivated; never, occasionally, usually, constantly?
Occasionally. See above.
4. What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to her?
Losing every single one of his friends, burning in a fire or setting himself on fire (like the monk in the 60's), or getting caught in a tunnel and having it collapse.
5. What would he think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to him?
Becoming a world-famous musician, settling down (married), and having kids.
6. What is the one thing he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
here. He also won't admit that his mother's death affects him much, much more than his father's death did, and that it still gets to him.