From Pepper

Sep 13, 2008 11:56

If you want to play along, comment here either with 5 icons of mine you want answers for, or if you want me to pick icons for you. :D

Pepper's Request


XD Well, I have a weakness for animated icons, and for dirty icons. Put those two together and it's damn hard for me to resist. Besides, my weakness for Adam Levine didn't help the situation, because - Guh. Gorgeous. PORN TONGUE! I use this whenever James is feeling cheeky, or flirty. Or just dirty.


This is a picture of Adam Levine dressed up as Brad Pitt's character from Fight Club. I use this for him when he's feeling tough, or confrontational. He's gotten into arguments with people before, and if he was feeling defensive, I would've used this.


I love the reflection of the photographer and the lighting in his sunglasses in this one. And I love the peeking, bright blue color of his shirt on the outskirts of the picture. I think it counter-balances the silver of the glasses really well. Yes, I am a nerd. I usually use this when James is very interested or curious, or if he's listening particularly well.


One thing that I really love, across the board, is how people look when they're caught laughing. Pure, unadulterated joy. And that's why I love this icon. It shows a real appreciation for whatever James is saying or heard from someone else. I use this when he's really amused by something.


The keyword for this icon is "Goofy." I think that's a good sum-up. This is his "I'm in a weird, silly, goofy, crazy mood" icon. I like it because it's light-hearted and aloof. :D


I think this one is hilarious. I can't even begin to describe. I think I've only used it once or twice because the situation fit, but I wish I used it more. I love it. Something about the purple sweater gets me, too.


Can you say crack? I burst out laughing whenever I see this one. I've used it a handful of times, whenever James is seriously entertained or excited. It makes my love for the members of Maroon 5 grow even more.


James has a bit of a temper, when certain things go down, and this is one I use whenever he's pissed. He has a habit of either breaking mirrors or smashing his fist through walls when he doesn't know what else to do. He never takes his violence out on someone, unless they do something insane to piss him off. One example would be a guy blatantly harassing his ex-girlfriend at a bar. He broke his hand punching the guy in the face. But he doesn't ever use that violence on a girlfriend or a friend or anything like that. He just takes it out on himself.


When I first saw this icon, I thought that he and Jesse were fist pumping each other. I think they might be holding hands, though. Anyway, I stick with the fist pump idea, and this is one of those, "Dude. Awesome." kind of icons.


The keyword for this is "tattoo," and while I do think that's the primary focus of the icon, I think that it shows a softer side of James. I haven't used this one too much, but I think it's a vulnerable icon. I think there's some kind of - refusing to look at himself in the eye, even though his reflection is so glaringly obvious. There's a sort of avoidance, I think, in this icon, which may be why I haven't used it too much: James doesn't like to avoid things. He prefers being direct.


I love this picture for some reason. I don't know if it's because of the light that's illuminating the right half of James' face, or the way his smile just seems so genuine. Maybe it's a combination of both. I use this icon whenever James is authentically happy, amused, or just entertained. I also use it when he's being friendly, or if he knows someone well enough that he won't scare them away with a full, unabashed smile.


Aww, James' pouty picture. He does this more often in jest than real sadness. If he's trying to get someone to pity him or feel bad for him, usually in a light-hearted way, he uses this icon. Because come on - how does anyone resist the puppy dog face? Especially on Adam Levine!


This keyword is "Heart." Self-explanatory, I think. I typically use it when he really appreciates something, like as a sign of affection.


I keyword-ed this one "Scar" because of the little scar on his eyebrow. I think that it goes a little deeper than that, though, in so much as the scars of his past hurts, or the past events of his life that have left a mark on him. I use this when James is feeling very upset, hurt, depressed, or if he doesn't want to face something. It's a pensive kind of sadness, and whenever I see it, I hear this sort of melancholy sigh from James. That's sort of the emotion I want to convey whenever I use that icon.


I love this one! When Adam Levine and Jesse Carmichael appeared on VH1's I Love the 90's, they started singing the Humpty Dance. That's what the quote is from. I just love Adam's goofy personality in that clip, and I like bringing that side into James' personality, as well. I use this whenever he's feeling silly or even imposter-ish, trying to be something he's not, but in an amusing way.

pepper, awesomeness, meme, ooc

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