[Blinks] DUDE. Holy SHIT, I didn't realize how soon! We're flying back within the next few days! Do .. Is there anything I need to be doing? For the wedding?
Ha! I figured as much. Well you should be planning my bachelor party, you shit! *grins playfully* Also, you can convince Ava that she is welcome at the wedding. She says she doesn't want to upset Lauren but let me tell you, on our day there is nothing that could upset either of us and I'm sure you'd want her there. *smiles*
*pause* You are my best man. All of you are. Don't worry about it if you don't want to, I'm sure the other lads can put something together, it's just uh, *blushes sheepishly* you're the only one with any money to spare... Not that it has to be any ordeal. We can all just go to some bars in LA and then crash somewhere with some weed or something and go crazy. *shrugs* You've got the music and Ava and Italy and all that, don't worry about it. Are you still able to sing for us? It's alright if you don't want to anymore. I understand with Italy and New York and such you probably don't have extra time to learn songs for us... Did you really forget the date of our wedding?
I'm sure. You can double check with Lauren but I don't think it will matter. I want, no, need you there. I want you to have what you want there and so does Lauren I'm sure. Cathedral rock, that whole part of Arizona, is one of the most romantic places on Earth. You two will love it.
[Blinks] I ... I remembered that you said something about everyone kind of being .. even with everyone else? That's why I was confused, but .. But no, I can figure something out. I didn't know everyone in the party, though, so I wasn't sure how to get in touch with them all. [Shakes his head] Of course I want to sing for you. I've already learned some of the stuff I didn't know. You know I wouldn't forget that. I've been working on them here in Italy. But some of them I already knew, anyway. [Frowns] Andy. You know I didn't forget your wedding. What I did forget was the fact that .. it's now March. I lost track of the date, completely. But I knew the date of your wedding. I would've realized that it was so soon when I flew back to New York, with the date on the tickets and all.
Alright .. I'll, uh. I'll get in touch with the other guys in the party. [Nods] Don't worry.
[Nods again] I'll convince her to go. She just doesn't want to cause trouble on such an important day.
*shoves hands in his pockets and glances downward* Well you were, theoretically. Except Remus lives in London so he couldn't do much besides fly in when he's supposed to. You and Adrian, were both doing stuff with me. You just don't seem to spend more than three days in a row in California these days, so he's been doing a bit more. S'alright, with two jobs and you in the studio I guess we've been missing each other a lot. Why are you flying into New York before LA? Why not just fly directly into LAX? When are you coming back, just for my knowledge? Uh. We didn't decide on our songs yet, just the one so far so you couldn't have practiced much! Even if you don't help plan it, it would be nice if you were able to attend my bachelor party at least.
Ava needed to take care of some things .. Like selling her apartment, packing up her things, talking to Mark .. [Shifts a little] We were going to leave in a day or two, then head to New York for a few days so she could take care of things, and I promised Jeff I'd stop and see him since I haven't in a while, but .. I can fly back to LAX, if it makes things easier. So that I'm back earlier to help out with things. Well .. Lauren gave me an idea of the kind of songs she liked. I was ... going to surprise you guys, with one. But I'm stupid and let the cat out of the bag. [Laughs] I've been doing Canon, and practicing some Clapton. And then I was working on something special, so .. I've had a lot to practice. [Smiles, then frowns] Do you think I'd really miss that, Andy? I mean .. really? You think I'd just shrug that off?
Whoa, whoa .. No. Andy. What -- Andy, I'm not missing either of those things. I wouldn't ever miss them .. I'm ... I'm sorry if you think that I would. I know I .. haven't been around too much lately, and I'm sorry for that. Things have just been .. busy. I'm spending most of my time in the studio, and when I get home, I pass out, or Ava convinces me to go to dinner somewhere. I'm ... I'm sorry, man. I -- You know I'll be there.
.. She .. She what? [Frowns and runs after him] Andy! C'mon, don't do that! Don't walk away from me.
She's fine, James. Just had a bit of a scare but she's fine. And don't give me bullshit about your spare time since you have spare time to go to Italy and spare time to help Ava do all that in New York. I can see where your priorities are and it's okay. I've got to go and I'm sure you're needed somewhere else too.
[Stares for a few seconds before running after him again] Look. I .. I wasn't thinking, alright? I wasn't thinking about dates, about planning ahead. You know me, I don't do well with things like that. My head is spontaneous and I don't plan things out well. Italy was an impulsive trip, and you're right, it required spare time to go. And I'm sorry, okay, that I haven't been around the way I should have. I know that it's my fault and that I fucking dropped the ball. Just .. Don't, alright? Don't just .. walk away and pretend like it's all over and like it's all settled. Because you know it's not, and you know I'm not going to let it stay this way.
Dude, just .. just talk to me.
OOC: *headdesk* James not being around lately is my fault. I picked up a new pup who has been consuming all of my time, and James has been having trouble getting my attention back. We also failed to realize that holy crap, it's March 1st. James is getting the blame for my own stuff, LOL.
You know what James? Planning a little isn't a sin. It's what grown ups do. You commit to something and then you see that you're pulling your weight, not randomly planning trips instead. Let's just wait until you get home to talk. Nothing is going to change before then.
ooc: Heh. Andy is really sensative now anyway. Lauren is going through weird shit. She could have died in that car accident. Everything is happening fast with the wedding and the move coming up and he just wants his brother around. It's hard to handle all this stuff for him. He's kind of emotionally drained. Plus with the whole Rachel thing and 3/4 of Lauren's friends not liking him he's holding on to his friends a little too tightly. AWWW. Is your new pup Ava's brother who looks suspiciously like Jason Mraz?
I'm not saying -- Andy .. I .. Look, I know. Alright? I know. I've got to work on it. [Narrows his eyes a little] But don't condescend to me, man. Don't do it. I'm fucking admitting that I screwed up, alright? I'll fly back to California tomorrow night, so that I'm back by Tuesday morning. Talking down to me and making me feel like an idiot is pretty much over kill. I feel like an idiot already, and adding to it really isn't helping.
OOC: We knew Lauren was having weird dreams, but I haven't been actively checking J's friends page, so we missed the accident thing .. I'm obviously a horrible person and need to catch up. Why don't Lauren's friends like him? ): J just got so caught up with Ava that he kind of forgot about everything else, but this is a good reality check for him. Hehe. *looks innocent* Suspicious, isn't it? :P
Yeah! I'm happy for you two.
You know what else is amazing?
I'm getting married in 20 DAYS! So get your butt back from Italy and New York soon!
[Smiles] I know she was worried about it .. Neither of us, obviously, want to upset anyone. But you're right, I do want her there .. You're sure, man?
I'm sure. You can double check with Lauren but I don't think it will matter. I want, no, need you there. I want you to have what you want there and so does Lauren I'm sure. Cathedral rock, that whole part of Arizona, is one of the most romantic places on Earth. You two will love it.
Alright .. I'll, uh. I'll get in touch with the other guys in the party. [Nods] Don't worry.
[Nods again] I'll convince her to go. She just doesn't want to cause trouble on such an important day.
I can give you a guest list.
Alright, yeah .. That'd be helpful.
Well, thank you. We'll still let you know what songs we'd like.
I've got to go. Lauren was in a car accident. I need to check on her again.
*leaves, hoping his hurt wasn't too evident*
.. She .. She what? [Frowns and runs after him] Andy! C'mon, don't do that! Don't walk away from me.
*keeps walking away*
Dude, just .. just talk to me.
OOC: *headdesk* James not being around lately is my fault. I picked up a new pup who has been consuming all of my time, and James has been having trouble getting my attention back. We also failed to realize that holy crap, it's March 1st. James is getting the blame for my own stuff, LOL.
ooc: Heh. Andy is really sensative now anyway. Lauren is going through weird shit. She could have died in that car accident. Everything is happening fast with the wedding and the move coming up and he just wants his brother around. It's hard to handle all this stuff for him. He's kind of emotionally drained. Plus with the whole Rachel thing and 3/4 of Lauren's friends not liking him he's holding on to his friends a little too tightly. AWWW. Is your new pup Ava's brother who looks suspiciously like Jason Mraz?
OOC: We knew Lauren was having weird dreams, but I haven't been actively checking J's friends page, so we missed the accident thing .. I'm obviously a horrible person and need to catch up. Why don't Lauren's friends like him? ): J just got so caught up with Ava that he kind of forgot about everything else, but this is a good reality check for him. Hehe. *looks innocent* Suspicious, isn't it? :P
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