Dec 10, 2008 18:25
When I was in second grade, we were all given Bibles in preparation for our First Communion, and we always carried them with us to chapel and religion class, even though we never used them (if you haven’t guessed by now, I went to a Catholic school, lol). Frequently our class was in charge of “hosting” the liturgy in the chapel, so a handful of us would serve as the lectors, the acolytes, gift-bearers, and the choir, and the rest of us would sit in the pews and get really bored while the chosen ones practiced. As for me, I always would read my Bible, though I pretty much stuck to one book. Naturally, it was Revelation. I would flip through the pages trying to find the most bizarre and hideous monsters and plagues, and then I’d get my friend Josh and show them to him, and then he’d find that passage in his own Bible, and we’d read those passages again and again in awe and apocalyptic delight.
Good times.