On Friday night we had to put down our outside cat Fang, who adopted us roughly ten tears ago. He never wanted to be in the house, & when I brought him in when we has I'll, he'd cry and throw himself at the door to get out. But he faithfully guarded our house - beautiful black panther of a cat.
Also of note is I was reading The Price from Neil Gaiman's Smoke & Mirrors when he turned up, & he was terribly beat-up at the time.
Anyway, he'd been ill, & threw a blood clot to his aorta & was in terrible pain. He's the first warm-blooded animal I've lost, & it was really hard.
The craziest thing just happened! I was standing in the kitchen, & the trash truck came. Unusually early - the green gardening waste truck usually comes in the am, not the trash.
Anyway, I was standing there thinking of Fang & saying goodbye because his sleeping stuff was in that trash load. I was thinking how totally CRAZY it was that I'd actually witness the dump of his cardboard box & pillow, when suddenly a hummingbird flew right up to the window and just hovered, looking at me! After about 3 seconds, he flittered around a bit in big circles, then flew off.
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